Stratenotes Archives
- Volume 33 | 2024-25
SN Vol. 33, No. 2. | Nov./Dec. 2024
- Feature: A Detailed Overview of The Teaching Decision-Making Routine, Janis Bulgren, Ph.D. Research Professor, Emerita
- SIM News: Researchers at the CRL are supporting the launch of Kansas’ Blueprint for Literacy initiative; Due to new KU guidelines, we are required to change the pricing structure for KU CRL products
- SIM Resources and Reminders, SIM In the Field, Publications, and Upcoming Events
SN Vol. 33, No. 1. | Sept./Oct. 2024
- Feature: Providing a Continuum of Special Education Supports, Dana McCaleb, SIM PD Leader (VA)
- SIM News: New KUCRL Online Store is online, cooperative agreement award from the U.S. Library of Congress, FREE PL Micro-credential as part of PD, SIM Offices have moved
- Resources: 2024 HLP & SIM Crosswalk
- Upcoming events, SIM in the Field, and SIM Publications
- Volume 32 | 2023-24
SN Vol. 32, No. 6. |. July/Aug. 2024
- Feature: Grant to integrate AI with SIM Writing Strategies
- SIM News: SIM Offices are moving, updates to micro-credentials
- XR Sampler now available
- Upcoming events and SIM in the Field
SN Vol. 32, No. 5. | May/June 2024
- Featured Article: Bridging with the Higher Order Thinking and Reasoning (HOTR) Routines, by Jan Bulgren, Research Professor Emeritus
- Updated pricing on micro-credentials and StrateWorks
- Updated resources: HLP & SIM Crosswalk and both Sentence Writing Manuals
- Upcoming events and SIM in the Field
SN Vol. 32, No. 4 | Mar/Apr 2024
- Feature Article: Using the Strategic Math Series and Evidence-Based Practices to Improve Achievement, by Bradley Kaffar, Co-Director of ISMI at KUCRL, and Professor of Special Education at St. Cloud State University (MN)
- New Resources: new Xtreme Reading Sampler, new powerpoint slides to support Proficiency in the Sentence Writing Strategy (2nd edition)
- Events: Cause and Effect (HOTR) Routine webinar series, Lunch and Learn Overview of changes in the new Sentence Writing Manuals, NE SIM Update Conf., & Online PD Sessions
SN Vol. 32, No. 3 | Jan/Feb 2024
- Feature Article: Smooth Sailing, by Dawn Schlick, Sixth Grade Reading/Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher, Wisconsin Heights School, SIM CE Professional Developer-Apprentice
- SIM in the Field, Upcoming events, Resources and Reminders
SN Vol. 32, No. 2 | Nov/Dec 2023
- Feature Article: Higher Order Thinking and Reasoning (HOTR), by Janis Bulgren Research Professor Emerita, KU CRL
- Top 5 SIM Achievements in 2023
- Adolescent Literacy Leadership Course
- New SIM Story Corps: Becoming a Better Teacher with SIM, Attallah & Palasak
- New SIM Overview Video
- SIM in the Field, Upcoming events, Resources and Reminders
SN Vol. 32, No. 1 | Sept/Oct 2023
- Feature Article: What are OTRs and Why Should You be Using Them?, by Dr. Gwen Berry, Special Education Content Specialist, Center for Instructional and Behavioral Research in Schools, University of Louisville, and SIM Professional Development Leader
- New Adolescent Literacy Leadership Course
- Possible Selves: Nurturing Student Motivation and Supporting Post-Secondary Transition (2nd Edition), is now available
- SIM In the field
- Congratulations to our newly certified members
- Upcoming events, resources and reminders
- Volume 31 | 2022-23
SN Vol. 31, No. 6 | July/Aug 2023
- 2023 SIMposium Highlights
- New brochures and resources
- New network member publications and events
SN Vol. 31, No. 5 | May/June 2023
- Feature: 2023 SIMposium, July 11-13, 2023 - Celebrating KUCRL's 45th Anniversary!
- New article in the SIM Forum: Using the Decision-Making Routine for IEP and Post-Secondary Goal Development, Darren Minarik
- New network member publications and events for educators
SN Vol. 31, No. 4 | Mar/Apr 2023
- Feature: 2023 SIMposium, July 11-13, 2023 - Celebrating KUCRL's 45th Anniversary!
- New SIM Storycorps: In this edition, Pam Leitzell and Gloria Sherman talk about how SIM has impacted their teaching and expanded their horizons.
- New SIM Forum, an online medium where ideas and views on SIM can be shared. This month's article: Higher Order Thinking and Reasoning (HOTR) Routines Support Rigor, Craig Wisniewski
- SIM in the Field - Florida Project Makes a Big Impact in School Participation and Adolescent Reading - from OSEP's April 2023 Update
SN Vol. 31, No. 3 | Jan/Feb 2023
- Feature Article: Introducing KUCRL’s Adaptive Professional Learning Model, Washburn, Myers
- Is Xtreme Reading an Answer to COVID Learning Loss in Reading?, Daniel J. Boudah, Ph.D.
- New Videos for the Network: Fundamentals in Sentence Writing Strategy, Proficiency in Sentence Writing Strategy, Paragraph Writing Strategy
- Publications from the SIM Network, Upcoming Events
- Information about the 2023 SIMposium, celebrating KUCRL's 45th Anniversary
SN Vol. 31, No. 2 | Nov/Dec 2022
- Feature: Enacting the IES Evidence-Based Recommendations for Reading Interventions with SIM™ Reading Strategies, Jocelyn Washburn, Ph.D.
- New Video: Fundamentals in the Sentence Writing Strategy
- NEW Writing Revolution Crosswalk on the SIM Alignments webpage
- Congratulations to Jean Schumaker and Don Deshler for making's Best Universities in the World, Top Scientists List!
SN Vol. 31, No. 1 | Sept/Oct 2022
- Feature: SIM Online Courses
- Blasts from the Past - Preparing for 45 years, mining old gems
- SIM In the Field and Celebrations
- Upcoming Events – Including the 45th Anniversary Conference, July 11-13, 2023
- Volume 30 | 2021-22
SN Vol. 30, No. 6 | July/Aug 2022
- Feature Article: SIM Enacts Guidance from The Writing Revolution, by Dana McCaleb (VA)
- StrateNotes Year in Review
- SIM In the Field and Celebrations
- New Websites! SIM & SIMville
- Upcoming Events – Including the 45th Anniversary Conference, July 11-13, 2023
SN Vol. 30, No 5 | May/June 2022
- Feature Article: The Science of Reading and SIM: What do I Need to Know as a SIM Professional Developer?, by Dana McCaleb and Jocelyn Washburn
- Congratulations to New SIM PD Leaders!
- Congratulations to Retirees!
- New Book: The School of Hope, by Cathleen Beachboard
- SIM Reminders and Events
SN Vol. 30, No. 4 | Mar./Apr. 2022
- Irrefutable Influence: The Impact of SIM on the Development of a New Book by Rosemary Tralli
- New SIM StoryCorps #5: SIM Success in the University Classroom and Beyond, with Barb Duchardt and Joyce Rademacher
- NC Xtreme Reading: One State's Success Story
- New Publications, Tools, Reminders and Events
SN Vol. 30, No. 3 | Jan./Feb. 2022
- Using Personal Stories for Impactful Professional Learning, by Janice Creneti
- New SIM StoryCorps #4: How SIM Opens Doors, with Helen Barrier, Dana McCaleb and Whitney Miller
- New UCA Mashburn Voice SIM articles
- New Publications, Tools, Reminders and Events
SN Vol. 30, No. 2 | Nov./Dec. 2021
- SIM Integration: Revisiting A Decades Old Conversation with Renewed Understanding and Professional Development Applications, by Diane Gillam and Patty Graner
- KUCRL’s Striving Readers Grant Partnership Yields Virtual Coaching Model and Resources, by CRL Researcher Suzanne Myers
- Information about upcoming conferences and virtual offerings
- Retirement Celebration for Helen Barrier
- Recent Network Member Publications
SN Vol. 30, No. 1 | Sept./Oct. 2021
Additional SIM Learning Strategies on NCII’s Academic and Behavioral Interventions Tool Charts; New SIM Story Corps: Why We’re Still in Education, Arvin & Colombo; Retirement Recognitions, Ahearn & Crawford - Volume 29 | 2020-21
SN Vol. 29, No. 6 | July/Aug. 2021
2021 SIM Virtual Conference Keynote Highlights: New Nearpod Overview, CER Expanded Map, and Webquest; Article: Accelerating Student Growth through the Strategic Instruction Model: Effective for Decades, Needed Now More Than Ever; OSEP Grant Announcement; Poster: Improving Outcomes for English Language Learners using Content Enhancement Routines, Sarah Swoch; Congratulations to NC SIM School, Burns Middle - Highly Effective Schools AccreditationSN Vol. 29, No. 5 | May/June 2021
2021 SIMposium Keynote and conference information, Two recent articles reviewing 35 years of CER Research, Woodruff/Goldhammer SIM StoryCorpsSN Vol. 29, No. 4 | Mar./Apr. 2021
New SIM Overviews: Nearpod & Brochure, SIMposium Summer 2021, Award Nominations, SIM Tools: SIM Alignment With Other Practices Website, XR & LS Comparison Table, SIM StoryCorps #1, SIM in the Field - highlights of work going on in the field (SIM PDer)SN Vol. 29, No. 3 | Jan./Feb. 2021
New CER: Teaching Cross-Curricular Argumentation, New: Strategic Tutoring for Parents, SIM Tools: SIM Alignment With Other Practices Website, SIM in the Field - highlights of work going on in the field (SIM PDer), pictures from the 2021 Florida SIM ConferenceSN Vol. 29, No. 2 | Nov./Dec. 2020
Understanding Evidence Terminology to Communicate SIM Impact, Meaning Behind the PDRI Symbol, Interview with Jocelyn, HOTR Cadre, Share Word Mapping Resources, New Xtreme Reading Teacher Resources Website, XR Classroom Data Tool, SIM In the Field: NE ConferenceSN Vol. 29, No. 1 | Sept./Oct. 2020
Professional Learning in a Virtual Environment: Emerging Guidance from SIM™ Professional Developers, SIM Priority Work Group Updates, SIM Announcements: Copyright, 2021 Conf., Bundled Purchases, Teacher Resource Folder, SIM Tools: Crosswalk: HLP & SIM (SPED), Tech-Enhanced LS Delivery, Tour of PD Resources, SIM In the Field India - Volume 28 | 2019-20
SN Vol. 28, No. 6 | July/Aug. 2020
Technology-Enhanced SIM Learning Strategy Instructional Delivery; Tour of SIM Professional Developer Resources; Xtremeville is live; 2021 Conference Planning news; Bundled Purchases; SIM Priority Work Group Updates; EventsVol. 28, No. 5 | May/June 2020
Covid Resources; Sustaining a SIM Initiative in Montana; Grant Will Support Online Tool That Helps Students Grasp Science Concepts (CORGI); Webinar: Delivering Online SIM™ PD; Virtual Round Table Sessions; Workgroup Updates; EventsSN Vol. 28, No. 4 | Mar./Apr. 2020
Covid Resources; An Interview with Jim Knight; From the Field: Supporting Secondary Teachers in Literacy w/CERs & NC Success Story-Swain County MS; Tips and ToolsSN Vol. 28, No. 3 | Jan./Feb. 2020
Feature Article: Still Seeking Solutions to Educational Challenges: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Headed ; 2020 Leadership Award, Priority Work Group Update, SIM Tips & Tools, Upcoming Events, picsSN Vol. 28, No. 2 | Nov./Dec. 2019
Feature Article: Should Teachers Adapt Evidence-Based Practices?, SIM Announcements, SIM Tips & ToolsSN Vol. 28, No. 1 | Sept/Oct. 2019
The Critical Role of Social Emotional Learning in Determining the Achievement and Life Success of All Students, SIM 2020 Survey Results and Misconceptions Unearthed, SIM Announcements, SIM in the Field, Learn More about KUCRL Reading Programs, SIM Tips & Tools, Technology-Enhanced Professional Learning - Volume 27 | 2018-19
SN. Vol. No. 6 | July/Aug. 2019
SIM Micro-credentialing: State Stories (VA, AR), 2019 SIMposium and SIM Leadership AwardSN. Vol. 27, No. 5 | May/June 2019
Overview of High Leverage Practices (HLPs) for General Educators and HLPs in Special Education & SIM Spotlight on Cue-Do-ReviewSN Vol. 27, No. 4 | Mar./Apr. 2019
New SIM PD Network Director and information about summer events.SN Vol. 27, No. 3 | Jan./Feb. 2019
School-wide initiative in Florida using the Test-Taking Strategy, news about Patty Graner’s retirement, and information on the new Simville websiteSN Vol. 27, No. 2 | Nov./Dec. 2018
Prof. in Theme Writing Strategy: Persuasive & ArgumentativeSN Vol. 27, No. 1 | Sept./Oct. 2018
40 Years of SIM & 10 Reasons to Install SIM in your school - Volume 26 | 2017-18
SN Vol. 26, No. 6 | August 2018
2018 Conference Highlights & Gordon R. Allen Partnership AwardsSN Vol. 26 Special Edition | July 2018
SN Vol. 26, No. 5 | June 2018
Effective Professional Learning for Adults Part 2: Structural ElementsSN Vol. 26, No. 4 | April 2018
Effective Professional Learning for Adults Part 1: Principles of Adult Learning and Effective PracticesSN Vol. 26, No. 3 | February 2018
North Carolina’s Focus on Adolescent Literacy Results in Success for Students and TeachersSN Vol. 26, No. 2 | January 2018
SIM StatsSN Vol. 26, No. 1 | October 2017
SIM Micro-credentials 2 years in - Volume 25 | 2016-17
SN Vol. 25, No. 6 | August 2017
An overview of the 2017 KUCRL Learning Conference & SIM Leadership AwardsSN Vol. 25, No. 5 | April 2017
SIM Success in Florida’s State Personnel Development GrantSN Vol. 25, No. 4 | March 2017
Look for SIM™, Content Literacy Continuum and Xtreme Reading in New Website!SN Vol. 25, No. 3 | January 2017
Join us in Lawrence for the 2017 KUCRL Conference and SIMposium & Yes, Advanced Students Need Foundation Writing Support Too!SN Vol. 25, No. 2 | November 2016
FIRST SIM™ Profile School Announced & SIMply Great Poster SessionsSN Vol. 25, No. 1 | October 2016
Mapping Learning: Improving Informative Assessment - Volume 24 | 2015-16
SN Vol. 24, No. 8 | August 2016
An overview of the 2016 SIM Conference & Leadership AwardsSN Vol. 24, No. 7 | June 2016
SIM Activities this year and International Conference InformationSN Vol. 24, No. 6 | April 2016
Welcome to the New SIMvilleSN Vol. 24, No. 5 | March 2016
SIM Stats in 2015SN Vol. 24, No. 4 | January 2016
2016 International Conference and Keynote Information & SIM InnovationsSN Vol. 24, No. 3 | December 2015
Opt in to the new Stratedirectory & New learning strategy reading passage books from Edge EnterprisesSN Vol. 24, No. 2 | November 2015
SIM Programs Added to Institute of Education Sciences' What Works ClearinghouseSN Vol. 24, No. 1 | October 2015
Getting Started: SIM Micro-credentials - Volume 23 | 2014-15
SN Vol. 23, No. 9 | Summer 2015
SIM tech innovationsSN Vol. 23, No. 8 | July 2015
SIM™ micro-credentials: Putting SIM expertise on displaySN Vol. 23, No. 7 | April 2015
SIM™ stats: Teacher feedback from 2013-2014 workshopsSN Vol. 23, No. 6 | March 2015
Preconference 2015SN Vol. 23, No. 5 | February 2015
SIM™ institutes for college/university facultySN Vol. 23, No. 4 | January 2015
2015 SIM ConferenceSN Vol. 23, No. 3 | Winter 2014
SIM Impact Award: Goodnight Middle School, Simon Middle School, Knox Wiley Middle SchoolSN Vol. 23, No. 2 | October 2014
SIM Impact Award: Brooklyn Junior High SchoolSN Vol. 23, No. 1 | September 2014
SIM Leadership Award: Mary Black - Volume 22 | 2013-14
SN Vol. 22, No. 9 | August 2014
2014 keynote address: Spread and scale in the digital ageSN Vol. 22, No. 8 | July 2014
Changes, new opportunities as KUCRL looks to futureSN Vol. 22, No. 7 | May 2014
2014 Stratepubs: Digital classrooms, SLPs, complex textSN Vol. 22, No. 6 | April 2014
Asked & answered: Advice for developing strategies classesSN Vol. 22, No. 5 | March 2014
Stratedirectory: Your online SIM network portalSN Vol. 22, No. 4 | February 2014
SIM stats 2013SN Vol. 22, No. 3 | January 2014
Conference timeSN Vol. 22, No. 2 | November 2013
Teaching Cause and Effect - Volume 21 | 2012-13
SN Vol. 21, No. 9 | September 2013
College ready: Practices that matter most for high school, college prepSN Vol. 21, No. 8 | August 2013
On being 35: Don & Jean reflect on KUCRL's first 35 yearsSN Vol. 21, No. 7 | June 2013
Classroom culture and social interactions: Revisiting foundational programsSN Vol. 21, No. 6 | April 2013
Socially WiseSN Vol. 21, No. 5 | Feb./March 2013
SIM stats: 2012SN Vol. 21, No. 4 | January 2013
International SIM ConferenceSN Vol. 21, No. 3 | Winter 2012
Trademark updateSN Vol. 21, No. 2 | October 2012
Excerpt: Effective professional developmentSN Vol. 21, No. 1 | September 2012
Almost 35 & still growing: Two new KUCRL divisions study health & disability policy, transition issues - Volume 20 | 2011-12
SN Vol. 20, No. 9 | August 2012
Invitation: Be part of new Listening & Note-Taking studySN Vol. 20, No. 8 | May 2012
Webquest: Discover free SIM resources on the webSN Vol. 20, No. 7 | April 2012
Developing strands: Standards, outcomes, professional learningSN Vol. 20, No. 6 | March 2012
Positive feedback: On implementation, student achievementSN Vol. 20, No. 5 | February 2012
SIM statistics: What the numbers tell us about SIM PDSN Vol. 20, No. 4 | January 2012
Encompass: Celebrating & exploring SIM connectionsSN Vol. 20, No. 3 | Winter 2011
Year in review: New online tools, revised proceduresSN Vol. 20, No. 2 | October 2011
Encompass: Celebrating & exploring SIM connectionsSN Vol. 20, No. 1 | September 2011
Return engagement: SIM virtual conference - Volume 19 | 2010-11
SN Vol. 19, No. 9 | August 2011
Why writing, why now, and what can you do?SN Vol. 19, No. 8 | May 2011
Research issues and writing strategiesSN Vol. 19, No. 7 | April 2011
Recent publications from KUCRLSN Vol. 19, No. 6 | March 2011
CRL Learns technology webinarsSN Vol. 19, No. 5 | February 2011
Virtual successSN Vol. 19, No. 4 | January 2011
The Write Stuff: The 2011 International SIM ConferenceSN Vol. 19, No. 3 | Winter 2010
The many paths we take to find answers in our researchSN Vol. 19, No. 2 | October 2010
SIM & the Common Core State Standards initiativeSN Vol. 19, No. 1 | September 2010
Connecting the dots - Volume 18 | 2009-10
SN Vol. 18, No. 9 | August 2010
Disciplinary literacySN Vol. 18, No. 8 | May 2010
Technology and professional developmentSN Vol. 18, No. 7 | April 2010
Going mobile with SIM, CLC, & StratepediaSN Vol. 18, No. 6 | March 2010
The EDIT Strategy: An essential element of the writing processSN Vol. 18, No. 5 | February 2010
Web appeal: Center launches redesigned, restructured siteSN Vol. 18, No. 4 | January 2010
SIM Trek: Voyage to school changeSN Vol. 18, No. 3 | Winter 2009
CRL's online home gets a makeoverSN Vol. 18, No. 2 | October 2009
SIM Trek: Going boldly where no school reform has gone beforeSN Vol. 18, No. 1 | September 2009
Rethinking SIM, literacy, and professional development - Volume 17 | 2008-09
SN Vol. 17, No. 9 | August 2009
Rethinking: SIM conference gets a new lookSN Vol. 17, No. 8 | May 2009
Survey says...conference plans taking shapeSN Vol. 17, No. 7 | April 2009
CRL online resourcesSN Vol. 17, No. 6 | March 2009
CRL LearnsSN Vol. 17, No. 5 | February 2009
Moving online: 2009 marks end of paper directorySN Vol. 17, No. 4 | January 2009
Rethinking SIM, literacy, and professional developmentSN Vol. 17, No. 3 | Winter 2008
Etiquette, guidelines, & FAQ for SIMTRAINER-L discussionsSN Vol. 17, No. 2 | October 2008
Seeing green - Volume 16 | 2007-08
SN Vol. 16, No. 9 | Summer 2008
A pearly glow: Good friends, professional learning, celebrations fill 2008 conference scheduleSN Vol. 16, No. 8 | May 2008
Last call for conferenceSN Vol. 16, No. 7 | April 2008
Say Hello to the Stratepedia blog & get to know collaborative technologySN Vol. 16, No. 6 | March 2008
Ingenuity blows away foul weather in GeorgiaSN Vol. 16, No. 5 | February 2008
Sharing expertise: E-mail discussions abuzz with ideasSN Vol. 16, No. 4 | January 2008
30 years in context: Conference to examine challenges, successes & the futureSN Vol. 16, No. 3 | Winter 2007
Past, present, futureSN Vol. 16, No. 2 | October 2007
A Pearly CelebrationSN Vol. 16, No. 1 | September 2007
CRL accomplishments: A look back at '06-'07 - Volume 15 | 2006-07
SN Vol. 15, No. 9 | August 2007
2007 Conference in ReviewSN Vol. 15, No. 8 | May 2007
Visit the new SIMville: Same excellent resources; updated design & organizationSN Vol. 15, No. 7 | April 2007
Trademarks: KU-CRL takes steps to legally protect SIM & CLCSN Vol. 15, No. 6 | March 2007
Opportunities to TreasureSN Vol. 15, No. 5 | February 2007
More Treasures of SIMSN Vol. 15, No. 4 | January 2007
Treasures of SIMSN Vol. 15, No. 3 | December 2006
The new face of www.kucrl.orgSN Vol. 15, No. 2 | November 2006
A CLC primerSN Vol. 15, No. 1 | Fall 2006
Images help tell our story - Volume 14 | 2005-06
SN Vol. 14, No. 9 | August 2006
Conference confirms SIM garden is thrivingSN Vol. 14, No. 8 | May 2006
New PD Director Patty GranerSN Vol. 14, No. 7 | April 2006
Don’t get left behind: Embrace technologySN Vol. 14, No. 6 | March 2006
SIM links to National Reading Panel recommendationsSN Vol. 14, No. 5 | February 2006
Big ideas in schoolwide changeSN Vol. 14, No. 4 | January 2006
How does your garden grow?SN Vol. 14, No. 3 | Winter 2005
KU-CRL Schedules 2006 SIM InstitutesSN Vol. 14, No. 2 | October 2005
SIM PD Shares Experiences in QatarSN Vol. 14, No. 1 | September 2005
Predicting the Future of Research for KU-CRL - Volume 13 | 2004-05
SN Vol. 13, No. 9 | August 2005
The Magic of SIMSN Vol. 13, No. 8 | May 2005
New, Revised Materials to Aid SIM PD WorkSN Vol. 13, No. 7 | April 2005
SCORE Skills: “Now I Have a Friend”
Teacher's Scorecard for the Four Instructional Phases of ModelingSN Vol. 13, No. 6 | March 2005
Responding to Requests for Research on SIM, New PD Materials, & NewsSN Vol. 13, No. 5 | February 2005
No Sleight of Hand: PD Skills Take Center StageSN Vol. 13, No. 4 | January 2005
A Closer Look: Closing the Performance GapSN Vol. 13, No. 3 | Winter 2004
Instructional CoachingSN Vol. 13, No. 2 | October 2004
SIM Institutes for 2005, Potential PD RequirementsSN Vol. 13, No. 1 | September 2004
Less Really is More - Volume 12 | 2003-04
SN Vol. 12, No. 9 | Summer 2004
SIM on Parade: 2004 International SIM ConferenceSN Vol. 12, No. 8 | May 2004
Randy Sprick: An Interview with Our SpeakerSN Vol. 12, No. 7 | April 2004
Theme Writing Strategy Instructional Options
Principles & Practices: Promoting SIM on a Big Scale
Introducing the Theme Writing StrategySN Vol. 12, No. 4 | January 2004
We’ve Been Waiting for This Moment…Are We Ready?SN Vol. 12, No. 3 | December 2003
Educational Change: Fullan Discusses Professional DevelopmentSN Vol. 12, No. 1 | September 2003
Factors for Success for Students with LD - Volume 11 | 2002-03
SN Vol. 11, No. 9 | August 2003
2003 International SIM Conference & CRL 25th Anniversary CelebrationSN Vol. 11, No. 4 | January 2003
Reasons We “Got the Silver”SN Vol. 11, No. 3 | December 2002
Where Do We Go From Here?SN Vol. 11, No. 1 | September 2002
History in the Making: A Yearlong Celebration of 25 Years of Success - Volume 10 | 2001-02
SN Vol. 10, No. 9 | Summer 2002
Mission: Possible! 2002 SIM ConferenceSN Vol. 10, No. 8 | May 2002
Student Success: Validated Interventions + Service-Delivery Systems + Professional-Development ProgramsSN Vol. 10, No. 7 | April 2002
Summary of Learning Strategies and Related ResearchSN Vol. 10, No. 6 | March 2002
Summary of Content Enhancement Routines and related researchSN Vol. 10, No. 5 | February 2002
Device for CE Overviews and Lenz on Device Connectors: Concept Diagram for CE Overview and Keith Lenz explains "connectors", line labels that sate the relationship between two or more ideas.SN Vol. 10, No. 4 | January 2002
Above & Beyond: Effective Teaching Involves More than Checklists and MnemonicsSN Vol. 10, No. 2 | October 2001
Show Me! (article on classroom research) - Volume 9 | 2000-01
SN Vol. 9, No. 9 | Summer 2001
New CRL Structure, Summer Conference Highlights and AwardsSN Vol. 9, No. 8 | May 2001
School Finance 101: Obtaining Funds for Staff DevelopmentSN Vol. 9, No. 6 | March 2001
Smarter Planning: Considering Curriculum in Light of Standards-Based ReformSN Vol. 9, No. 5 | February 2001
FIND Strategy: Problem-Solving Process Structures in Teacher-Guided Professional DevelopmentSN Vol. 9, No. 4 | January 2001
SIM to the Rescue? Maybe…Maybe Not!SN Vol. 9, No. 2 | October 2000
Dynamic Planning: A Process Structure from Teacher-Guided Professional DevelopmentSN Vol. 9, No. 1 | September 2000
Big Screen: Using Videos in Workshops: Vlacia Campbell describes ways to use video clips from popular movies in workshops - Volume 8 | 1999-2000
Stratenotes Volume 8 Issue 9 Summer 2000
-Highlights from the 2000 SIM Conference, Changes to the LINCS Vocabulary StrategyStratenotes Volume 8 Issue 8, May, 2000
- How to Structure a Learning Strategies Workshop, Test Taking and Assignment Completion Strategy ExamplesStratenotes Volume 8 Issue 7, April, 2000
- Reporting Back on Interviews to Make Professional Development Sessions more SuccessfulStratenotes Volume 8 Issue 6, March, 2000
- Using Interviews to Make Professional Development Sessions more Successful
- Learning Stategies Overview IdeasStratenotes Volume 8 Issue 5 February 2000
Overview of this year's Stratepubs, some inspirational SIM success stories, preview of the summer conferenceStratenotes Volume 8 Issue 4 January 2000
Details of summer conferenceStratenotes Volume 8 Issue 3, November/December, 1999
- Tips for Presenting Learning StrategiesStratenotes Volume 8 Issue 2, October 1999
-Adaptation Phase of the Generalization StateStratenotes Volume 8 Issue 1, September, 1999
- Introducing the CLC
- Research Update: Self Advocacy
- Implementig the CLC
- SIM in Michigan - Volume 7 | 1998-99
- Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 9, Summer, 1999
- Review/Summation of the 1999 SIM Conference
- Introducing Fundamentals in the Sentence Writing Strategy
- Introducing THINK, LEARN, BUILD Cooperative Thinking Strategies
- Introducing InSPECT Strategy
- Introducing Course Organizer
- Sentence Writing Examples - Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 8, May 1999
Summer Conference overview, Maho Bay update conference - Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 7, April, 1999
- Comparing the Concept Routines - Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 6, March, 1999
- Stories from Around the Network - Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 5, February, 1999
- Language-sensitive SIM Part 1: Effect of Language Problems on SIM - Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 4, January, 1999
- Maximizing staff development Return On Investment - Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 3, December, 1998
- The Five Principles of Content Enhancement Effectiveness
- Effective Implementation of Content Enhancement Routines Table
- Lesson Organizer Reflection Tip Sheet - Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 2, October 1998
- Announcing Fundamentals in the Sentence Writing Strategy - Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 1, September 1998
-Learning counsulting: Translating research into practice - Knight, CRL scenario planning, Visual Imagery manual correction, SIM communication vehicle survey
- Stratenotes Volume 7 Issue 9, Summer, 1999
- Volume 6 | 1997-98
- Stratenotes Voume 6 Issue 9, Summer 1998
- Wrap up of 1998 Conference, Eyes on the future - Stratenotes Volume 6 Issue 8, May, 1998
- Using the Unit Organizer for curriculum mapping - Stratenotes Volume 6 Issue 7, April, 1998
- How SIM addresses what is unique about teaching students with LD - Stratenotes Volume 6 Issue 6, March, 1998
-Learning Strategies not replaced by CERs -Schumaker, Accreditation report from Muskegon, Michigan - Stratenotes Volume 6 Issue 5, February 1998
-First CEPPDI - Stratenotes Volume 6 Issue 4, January 1998
-Overview of upcoming SIM Conference - Stratenotes Volume 6 Issue 3, November, 1997
- Partnership Learning - Stratenotes Volume 6 Issue 2, October 1997
Peer Coaching, Stratechats, Stratellite Connection study groups - Stratenotes Volume 6 Issue 1 September 1997
OSHA investigates KUCRL; citations pending (Humorous article about weight of SIM materials
- Stratenotes Voume 6 Issue 9, Summer 1998
- Volume 5 | 1996-97
- Stratenotes Volume 5 Issue 9, Summer 1997
1997 SIM Conference, Stratellite Video features Survey Routine and SCORE - Stratenotes Volume 5 Issue 8, May, 1997
- Anita Archer Shares Thoughts on Staff Development - Stratenotes Volume 5 Issue 6, March, 1997 Content Enhancement Special Issue
- Special Issue: Content Enhancement This issue of Stratenotes takes an in-depth look at Content Enhancement Routines, what they are and how they fit together. - Stratenotes Volume 5 Issue 5, February, 1997
- SCORE Skills: Social Skills for Cooperative Groups Manual Revised
- Dr. Gordon R. Alley passes away - Stratenotes Volume 5 Issue 4, January, 1996
- Professional Developer Requirements and Preservice Teacher Education
- Stratellite Connection Program 6: Unit Organizer, LINCs Vocabulary Strategy - Stratenotes Volume 5 Issue 3, November, 1996
- The RETIREMENT Strategy
- Attention Grabbers for Professional Developers - Stratenotes Volume 5 Issue 2, October 1996
- Are Content Enhancement Routines a part of SIM?
- What are the key differences between Learning Strategies and Content Enhancement Routines?
- Why do we need to order materials from both the CRL and from Edge Enterprises?
- News from Professional Developers - Stratenotes Volume 5 Issue 1, September, 1996
- Respect: Who's got it and how to get it
- Presenters at the 1996 National Conference
- Peggy Showalter Retires from KUCRL
- SIM Leadership Awards
- Useful Articles
- Use of the Paraphrasing Strategy
- Stratenotes Volume 5 Issue 9, Summer 1997
- Volume 4 | 1995-96
- Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 9, Summer, 1996
- Requirements for the new Content Enhancement Professional Developer
- Peggy Showalter Retires from KUCRL
- News from the Network
- STRATEGIES, a poem by Debbie Jackson and Darlette Hall - Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 8, May, 1996
Simple Enhancers - Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 7, April, 1996
Case Discussions Part II
- Guidelines for facilitating case discussion
- 2 case studies from Teachers as Learners: Making a Case for Learning Strategies compiled by Juliana Taymans
- Ideas to Encourage Implementation by Teachers after Workshops (Sue Woodruff, Mary Frances, Jim Knight, Keith Lenz
- News from the Regions and Congratulations - Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 6, March, 1996
Using Cases as the Basis for Teacher Learning
- How do "Cases" work in SIM training?
- Guiding Case Discussions
- Points to Consider
- A Case Study - Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 5, February, 1996
Strategy Value Packages now for sale: Reading Pack, Mastery Pack, Writing Pack - Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 4, January, 1996
- Self-Regulation: A Major Goal of SIM Instruction - Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 3, November/December, 1995
Training Tips for Visual Imagery - Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 2, October 1995
- Learning Expressways
- Tidbits from Trainers - Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 1, September, 1995
- Assignment Completion: There is More Involved than Meets the Eye
- Don Deshler Awarded Higuchi Award
- Update in IDEA
- Terrible news for CRL family
- Stratenotes Volume 4 Issue 9, Summer, 1996
- Volume 3 | 1994-95
- Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 9, Summer, 1995
- Federal Cuts Threaten Special Education and KUCRL
- Review/Summation of the 1995 SIM Conference presentations, awards, events - Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 8, May, 1995
- What Does it mean to be a SIM Professional Developer - Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 7, April 1995
Insights on Change, Making Connections Summer Conference Theme, Strateworks Quiz - Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 6, March 1995
Characteristics of good collegiality, New Stratellite presentation from Jim Knight announced - Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 5, February, 1995
SIM in Elementary Classrooms - Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 4
Supported Inclusion, Joyce Rademacher wins research award - Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 3, November/December, 1994
- Background Information for Content Enhancement Overviews - Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 2
Issue lost - Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 1
Issue lost
- Stratenotes Volume 3 Issue 9, Summer, 1995
- Volume 2 | 1993-94
- Stratenotes Volume 2 Issue 9, Summer, 1994
A Preview of the New Unit Organizer Routine - Stratenotes Volume 2 Issue 6, March, 1994
- The Preservice Teacher Training Project
- Whats New at the CRL - Stratenotes Volume 2 Issue 5, February, 1994
Lets Take a Walk: A Page-by-Page Jaunt Through The Lesson Organizer Routine and The Concept Mastery Routine Guidebooks - Stratenotes Volume 2 Issue 3, November, 1993
Generalization of Content Enhancement Routines
- Teacher Generalization Good Signs and Warning Signs
- Student Generalization Good Signs and Ward ning Signs
- Stratenotes Volume 2 Issue 9, Summer, 1994
- Volume 1 | 1992-93
- Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 9, June, 1993
Basic Principles of Content Enhancement:
- What shall we teach about the world?
- How is a teaching routine constructed?
The Content Enhancement Series
The Content Enhancement Model Handout
- What is Content Enhancement?
- Why is Content Enhancement Important?
- Components of Enhanced Content Instruction: ReflActive Planning
- Components of Enhanced Content Instruction: Powerful Teaching Devices
- Components of Enhanced Content Instrucdtion: Explicit Teaching Routines - Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 8, May, 1993
Lets Clean Up Our Language!: Strategy Manual Update: SCORE Skills, Division Facts 0-81, The Teamwork Strategy, Place Value, The Lesson Organizer
Presentations planned for the SIM Conference
- The terms "Strategy" and "Strategy Instruction - The terms "Steps", Stages", and "Phases" - Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 7, April, 1993
- Learning Community - A Tool for Facilitating Professional and Personal Growth
- Jean Schumaker and Eleanor Womack Nelson Honored
- Strateline information and registration
- 15th Anniversary SIM Conference Registration information - Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 6, March, 1993
-Collegiality and Cooperative Study Groups
-The Cooperative Study Group Process
-Introducing Anchoring Table - Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 5, February, 1993
- Responsible Inclusion: A New Vision - Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 4, January, 1993
- We're Now the "Center for Research on Learning" - Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 3, November, 1992
- Planning and Inclusion - Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 2, October 1992
- Is SIM an Inclusionary Model? - Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 1, September, 1992
- Strategies Research Moves to the Regular Classroom
- Stratenotes Volume 1 Issue 9, June, 1993