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Video by Title: S-Si
- School Perspective: Principals (00:02:01)
- Scientific Argumentation - Jan Bulgren, Ed Ellis (01:11:37)
2015 SIM Conference -
HOTR and Standards
CE and Higher Order Thinking - Scientific Argumentation - Jan Bulgren (01:15:15)
2016 SIM Conference - Sentence Writing Strategy Supplemental Activities (00:59:45) - Keli Gustafson, Kathy Carling
2001 SIM Conference -
Ever need more supplemental activities for Sentence Writing Strategy lessons? We guarantee participants will leave this session with a variety of brain-friendly, hands-on activities that support the key components of the Fundamentals and Profi ciency in Sentence Writing strategies. Planned activities include Twister for parts of speech, word sort, ball toss for concept review, Scattergories, Jeopardy, Concentration, manipulative sentence building strip, sentence building cards, formula sentence draw, sentence carousel, word walls, stamp-it, Mad-Libs, songs, and board games.
- SIM and Common Core Standards: Timeline Leads Us to Our Lifeline for a State - Latricia Bronger, University of Louisville (01:13:06)
2011 SIM Conference -
This session shares steps for implementing the Common Core Standards from the state, regional and district levels. our plan considers instruction at the classroom level. Middle school classroom teachers are using the Framing and Concept Mastery routines to plan and support important details of the Common Core Standards. Examples from middle school and high school classrooms will be shared. First came...standards. Then came...a model framework. And now an assessment plan will drive our next steps!
ELA Standards
Concept Comparison Teacher DRAFT
Concept Diagram Teacher Examples DRAFT
Concept Mastery Teacher Examples DRAFT
ELA Crosswalk
Promising Practice Site App DRAFT
Ellis Framing
Framing Routine Obs
Highly Effective Definitions
Highly Effective Overview Guide
Leadership Networks Year 2 Overview
Program of Studies and College Readiness Standards Alignmen
Science Conceptual Framework Summary
Tuning Protocol Framework - SIM and State Standards - Candace Bixler, Independent Professional Developer, Latricia Bronger, University of Louisville (01:06:55)
2010 SIM Conference -
"All states and schools will have challenging and clear standards of achievement and accountability for all children and effective strategies for reaching those standards."--US Department of Education. This session will explore ways to use and connect the SIM tools and Common Core Standards by providing a guided interactive engagement that will include background, resources, tools, and presentation ideas as you lead others in this alignment process.
CCSSI Notes Handout
CCSS Presentation
CCSS 5 Minute Interview
Star Trek Integrated Unit - SIM and the Science of Reading
2022 Florida Update Conference
Jocelyn Washburn
Watch Video Passcode: Y7&82AFknU
For years, KUCRL operated on the assumption that one of the keys to improving student outcomes in schools was to provide quality professional development on research-validated practices. Although high quality professional development IS very important, we have learned that it is only a part of the total picture. If we want what we do in professional development on specific interventions to really make a difference, we need to follow key principles related to bringing about and sustaining change in schools. This session will include perspectives and specific suggestions from experts who have spent a great deal of time in the trenches leading and implementing change initiatives in complex organizations and with the people who work in them.
Bringing About and Sustaining Change in Schools - SIM Conference 2005: Focus Sessions
These Sessions are designed specifically for new SIM Professional Developers and anyone else who wants to bone up or exchange ideas on a specific strategy. -
DISSECT Words, Not Frogs
Joan Nejezchleb
The Word Identification Strategy, when mixed with technology and color, can get even the hesitant reader to take a risk. This session will share how Word ID can be used as sponge activities.
Become a RAP Star
Pam Leitzell
Polish up your RAP presentation. Come receive and share ideas about ways to enhance your Paraphrasing Strategy professional development. Participants will focus on supporting activities for each step of the Paraphrasing Strategy
King Tut, the Perfect Candidate to Frame
Ginger WIlliams
This session will provide and discuss ways to provide professional development for teachers learning how to use The Framing Routine
Revitalizing Vocabulary Professional Development with the Clarifying Routine and LINCing Routine
Grabbing new participants' engagement and motivation to implement SIM tools is easily accomplished thorugh initial professional develop,ent focused on vocabulary learning with the Clarifying and LINCing Routines. Attend this session to participate in Carousel Brainstorming that will surface ideas for initiating sessions with thinking devices, prioritizing and matching vocabulary with the appropriate routine, adapting devices for primary grades, adding jazzy activities, and summarizing learning with various process structures.
Revitalizing Vocabulary Professional Development with the Clarifying Routine and LINCing Routine Presentation
Revitalizing Vocabulary Professional Development with the Clarifying Routine and LINCing Routine Handout - SIM Conference 2005: Poster Session
Comparison Between an Multi Media PD Package and Self-Instruction for the BUILD Strategy and the LEARN Strategy -Jerry Dowdle, Kristin Vernon, Sue Vernon - This poster presentation will describe the results of studies to develop and validate a learner-managed professional development package for general education teachers to use before and during instruction of validated social and cognitive skills and strategies for two programs in the Cooperative Thinking Strategies series.
Computerized Professional Development for the Question Exploration Routine - Lisa Walsh - A professional development CD has been created for the Question Exploration Routine. It has been field tested by 40 teachers. The presenter will share the program and the results of the field tests.
Electronic Professional Development: Content Mastery - Marty Beech - An online course for middle and high school teachers with a complete learning package for the Content Mastery Routine organized int o four phases of professional development: Learn IT: Teaches you the targeted routine, Do It: Guides you to implement the routine, Refine It; Builds on your successes and fine tunes your use, Use It: Facilitates continued use and integration of the routine into your teaching. Developed by Barb Ehren and Marty Beech through the Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities Project at Florida State University in Collaboration with KUCRL -- HANDOUT
The Graphing Calculator using CE Routines - Janet Van Cleave - This poster session will use the Content Enhancement Routines to teach the use of the graphing calculator in algebra classes. It will include showing a unit on graphing calculators that students can use from year to year or course to course as they proceed thorough the algebra sequence. Technology is included as part of the goals for the tow leading mathematics organizations in education, NCTM and AMTYC
Integrating Course, Unit and Lesson Organizers into College Classes - Mary Ring - It is critical for college education professors to model the use of content enhancement procedures in graduate and undergraduate classes. The course, unit and lesson organizers can effectively demonstrate the relationships of critical course content as well as cue the students to useful strategies in Learning the content, and the questions that will be addressed in the lectures. When students experience the organizers in their own education classes, they are more likely to understand th \e usefulness of the organizers. Thus, they will be more likely to use them when they teach. This poster session will demonstrate how selected course, unit, and lesson organizers can be used to enhance instruction in a undergraduate general ed required course for all education majors.
A New Potion for LD Determination: IDEA 2004, RTI and NRCLD - Julie Tollefson, Barbara Starrett, Sonja deBoer, Melinda McKnight, National Research Center on Learning Disabilities - The re-authorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) includes a number of provisions that will affect schools' processes and procedures for determining specific learning disabilities. Included is a provision allowing schools and districts to assess students' responsiveness to research-based interventions The NRCLD is developing a series of products and tools related to SLD determination and responsiveness to interventions. Take a look at some of our activities and products to date and our plans for future products, all pf which are available; at our web site. www/nrcld.org
Results of a Feasibility Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Interactive Multimedia Instruction of Thee Social Skills - Jerry Dowdle, Kristin Vernon, Sue Vernon
SIM at Muskegon High School - Isabel Blake-Evans, Kathleen Lutkus
SMARTER Planning for Elementary Preservice Math Methods Students - Shirley Leali - This poster session will show how elementary preservice teachers participated in an in-class activity on SMARTER planning. The session began with a presentation on SMARTER planning and culminated with the development of a mathematics Unit Organzer and teaching of the unit lessons in a fifth-grade classroom. In grade-level groups of four students, each group had a copy of the teacher's edition of a mathematics textbook from grades K-6, a blank sheet for planning, and a blank Unit Organizer. The task for each group was to select a math topic from the textbook that they might teach in their field experience. Each group developed two or three critical questions,. Next, they predicted and identified possible difficulty with the teaching and student learning of that topic. Lastly, instructional decisions were made and each group partially completed a Unit Organizer for its topic. S
Surface Counseling: Replicated and Refocused for Preservice - Joe Crank, Paul Jones, Scott Loe - In this study, we have adapted the Surface Counseling Instructional Program (Crank, Deshler, and Schumaker, 1995) for use in a preservice counseling and school psychology course. Surface Counseling is the name of a process of social/emotional problem solving and relationship building. The original intent of the surface counseling instructional program was to provide teachers a set of skills to use with their troubled students. An evolution of the initial program led to the use of surface counseling with mentors and youth, in general. The current research replicates the earlier research, but has been refocused on the usefulness of the Surface Counseling program, with graduate students preparing to become counselors and school psychologists. A multiple baseline design was use d to ascertain the effects of the instructional program. Evaluation also included follow-up maintenance of the skills and social validation measures.
TOWER Power - Mary Salazar - Ernest Hemingway would have loved this? Participants will start with the IDEA (TOWER) Diagram and fly through the fear of writing. Sixth-grade (co-teaching inclusion) language arts students have become published authors in a variety of formats, starting with pre-writing strategy/organizer (TOWER). See the process of idae generation, rough draft, and final publishing of sixth-grade language arts students. Leave with ideas to train or implement.
Word Power: Cross-Curricular LINCing - Sandra Olivas - Participants will learn to use word walls/concrete visual aids, LINCing Routine and coordination of core subject content vocabulary to support student success in a middle school setting. See cross-curricular vocabulary integration that "sticks"...vocabulary building to support content comprehension/application. Leave with implementation formats. see student work samples and have hands on practice. Focus will center on sixth-grade science, social studies and language arts curricula.
- SIM Conference 2006: Kaleidoscope (00:47:18)
School Reform from the Inside Out - Richard Elmore (Joan Fletcher, Independent Consultant, Oakton, VA) -- Handout: Bookmark The New Division of Labor; How Computers are Creating the Next Job Market - Frank Levy and Richard Murnane (Patty Brus, Health and Family Consumer Science Department Teacher, Cody, WY and Jean Piazza, Independent Professional Developer, Cody, WY) --Handout: FRAME Handout: Bookmark You Haven't Taught Until They Have Learned, John Wooden's Teaching Principles and Practices - Sven Nater and Ronald Gallimore (Paula Filler, Full Bloom Strategic Learning Highland Park, IL) -- Handout: Bookmark Fierce Conversations - Susan Scott (Julie Tollefson, KUCRL) -- Handout: Bookmark Leadership and Sustainability: System Thinkers in Action - Michael Fullan - (Jim Knight, KUCRL) -- Handout Data Wise: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning - Kathryn Parker Boutdett, Elizabeth City and Richard Murnane Barbara Ellett, Elementary Learning Disabilities Coordinator, Olathe, KS -- Handouts:Notes
- SIM Conference 2006: Research Roundtable One (01:30:47)
STRUCTURE Your Reading - Tia McCauley, Barb Ehren
STRUCTURE Your Reading is an explicit approach to teach strategic reading. It packages strategies, including our SIM strategies, into a framework that provides a systematic way to integrate strategies before, during and after reading to enhance comprehension of text. It is called a "strateroutine" because it starts out as a teaching routine and grows up to be a strategy for students. It has been in the research hopper for several years. Data will be presented from research conducted at Marsteller Middle School in Virginia where students were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups in grades six, seven and eight.
Handout: STRUCTURE Your Reading
The Explicit Inquiry Routine with One-Variable Equations - Amy Scheuermann
Using the Explicit Inquiry Routine, 14 middle-school students with learning disabilities received instruction in representing and solving one-variable equations embedded within word problems. This presentation includes an overview of the Explicit Inquiry Routine and the results of research that revealed significant performance gains for all students.
Handout: Presentation Notes - SIM Conference 2006: Research Roundtable Two (01:30:05)
The Effects of Instruction in the Word Mapping Strategy in Inclusive Classrooms - Monica Harris
This session will discuss the findings of the Word Mapping Strategy to help students predict the meanings of unknown words by using morphological analysis. The morphological analysis process holds promise for adolescents by aiding in the prediction of word meanings while reading academic texts. This process helps to develop work consciousness in student learning of vocabulary
Handout: Notes
The Effects of Instruction in an Inference Strategy on the Reading Comprehension of Adolescents with LD - Nanette Fritschmann
This presentation will focus on a research study that was conducted to determine the effects of teaching inference strategy to high school students with LD. The goal associated with teaching the Inference Strategy was to improve theses students' ability to comprehend reading passages and to improve their ability to identify and respond to inferential questions that were similar to those required in most subject matter classes and measures of adequate yearly progress. - SIM Conference 2007: Poster Session
Using Routines with Math Case Studies - Shirley Leali, Weber State University, Ogden, UT
Are You a Stratereader? - Jean Piaza, Independent Professional Developer, Cody, WY
Test Taking Study - Desiree Carmen, Lincoln Middle School, El Paso, TX
The Socially Wise Program - Sue Vernon, Kristin Vernon, Jerry Dowdle, Edge Enterprises, Lawrence, KS
Essay Test-Taking Tips - Olivia Scott, FDLRS Heartland, Lake Placid, FL
The Learning Disabilities Resource Kit - Barbara Starrett, Julie Tollefson, Melinda McKnight and David Gnojek, KUCRL
Trademarks: Protecting our SIM and CLD Assets - Julie Tollefson, David Gnojek and Lauren Larsen, KUCRL - SIM Conference 2009 STRAND: SIM and Literacy - Barb Ehren, Candace Bixler, Vicki Cotsworth, Peggy Graving, Michael Faggella-Luby (00:58:00)
Outcomes: Help secondary teachers and administrators understand the importance and nature of adolescent literacy
Explain literacy to teachers and administrators from several perspectives: workforce and postsecondary readiness, state curriculum standards, content acquisition
Strategize obtaining buy in from teachers and administrators ofr engagement in literacy work.
1. SIM in the light of IES practice report on adolescent literacy
2. SIM to promote interface among literacy processes
3. Discipline-specific literacy
Adolescent Literacy Report
Compilation of Research on Adolescent Literacy
Literacy ppt notes -Michael Faggella-Luby
Strand Agenda
Reflection Tool
Preparing Youth for the Workforce - SIM Conference 2009 STRAND: SIM as a Change Agent - Suzanne Robinson, Bev Colombo, Barb Duchardt, Joyce Russo, Kristina Braud, Patty Kohler-Evan (01:38:53)
This strand focuses on how SIM/CLC can and often does act as a catalyst for change in schools. Topics may include:
1. What we have learned about change from SIM/CLC initiatives and how our observations reflect the research
2. Identify elements for success in adolescent literacy initiatives
3. Growing SIM into a schoolwide RTI/Literacy effort, integrating with other initiatives
4. Data, data, data--collection, organization and review
5. Sustaining change even when...staff turnover, administrative changes, structural changes
Handouts: - SIM Conference 2009 STRAND: Strengthening your SIM Core - Ann Hoffman, Schari Schindele, Helen Barrier (02:29:36)
This strand will provide conversations on:
1. CLC as an RTI Initiative
2. Interweaving SIM and Other Initiatives
3. Research and Data Collection
High Quality Professional Development
AVID Facts
CLC Matrix: Read 180
CLC Matrix: WIlson
Corrective Reading
Consulting Spreadsheet Example
Gail Cheever's Guide to being an Independent Consultant
Independent Consultant Invoice Example
Tips on making PowerPoints more Engaging and Fun
Marzano Allignment with SIM
RTI: Meeting the needs of ALL students, Sara Prewett ppt
SIOP Description
Using the CLC as a Framework for Implementing RTI in Secondary Schools - SIM Conference 2009: Mini Pearl Presentations
Frames R Us - Bev Downey
The Framing Routine can be used in introducing a lesson and with a fun candy sorting activity. Dale Simonson, Iowa Professional Developer, has developed a three part frame using the headings Hopes/Expectations/Fears from the Possible Selves strategy. At the beginning of a session, participants share their hopes, expectations, and fears related to the topic. This promotes development of a FRAME in the first few minutes of the session and shows how to use a FRAME to introduce a lesson/topic. Another way to use the Frame is with a candy sorting activity, and once the Frame is complete, participants can eat the candy. This is a great activity to close a lesson.
Handouts:Cue Do Review Activity
Tips for Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing - Lily Wooley
This presentation begins with two funny videos reflecting the importance of vocabulary, spelling and paraphrasing. The presenter will provide several tips regarding organizing materials and presenting the strategy to students. The presentation includes handouts and examples of sentences written by the presenter's sixth grade students.
Handouts:Berlitz.mpg DeClan.wmv Spelling 911.wmv Tips and Pointers ppt
The Implementation Fidelity Matrix - Ed Ellis
The Implementation Fidelity Matrix (IFM) from Makes Sense Strategies(MSS) is used to facilitate implementation of innovative practices with fidelity. IFM addresses the relationship between four critical dimensions: Range (how many different strategies/routines are being implemented, Frequency (how often is a given strategy/routine used in the classroom), Quality (how well is the teacher using the strategy/routine, and Corpulence (how wide spread across the curriculum is a given strategy/routine employed.)
Front Loading Writing Strategies - Gail Cheever
Gail will describe how a small Fort Worth parochial school is making the Error Monitoring Strategy a school-wide strategy for pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. She will share the protocol she has developed for them to implement Error Monitoring instruction across the grades and how the other writing strategies fit into the picture. When all students learn the same rules for writing and teachers hold common expectations for written products , the results can be amazing!
Handout:Error Monitoring Instructional Protocol
Strategic Tutoring Goes Electronic - Paula Lancaster
Strategic Tutoring Professional Development CDs--Find out what's in them and how you might use them to help educators either develop Strategic Tutoring Centers or improve the tutoring programs they already have - SIM Conference 2010 Strand: SIM as a Change Agent
VIDEO Part One (1:04:00) | VIDEO Part Two (1:42:00)
Pam Leitzell, Independent Consultant, Maryville, TN
Dotti Turner, Independent SIM Professional Developer, Setauket, NY
Ken Geisick, Riverbank, CA Unified School District
Leslie Novosel, Jake Cornett, and Don Deshler, KUCRL
There is a new sense of urgency across the nation for educators to find ways to create changes in schools that will result in high performance by all students. Yet with all the focus on change, progress sometimes seems miniscule. Why do some schools generate drastic improvements while others do not? Join this session to discuss the various ways that SIM can make dramatic impact in schools by offering a tiered instructional approach through the Content Literacy Continuum. This approach addresses many of the needs schools face today, including issues surrounding RTI. This session will focus on 5 critical components needed to create significant change in your school.
CLC Brochure
Data Terms (Novosel & Cornett)
Data Slides (Novosel & Cornett)
Focus Questions for Break Out Sessions
Teachers Make a Difference (Hattie)
High School Tiered Interventions Initiative Lessons Learned RTI
Nominal Group Technique Reference List
Nominal Group Technique Process (Novosel & Cornett)
SIM as a Change Agent Agenda
SIM as a Change Agent Slides (Deshler)
Using Data to Inform A School-wide Literacy Reform Initiative Slides (Novosel & Cornett) - SIM Conference 2010 Strand: SIM and Literacy
Michael Faggella-Luby, University of Connecticut ; Tim Shanahan, University of Illinois at Chicago ; Rosemary Tralli, Independent Consultant, Glastonbury, CN ; Frances Ihle and Don Deshler, KUCRL
VIDEO PART 1 (42:31) | VIDEO PART 2 (01:27:11)
This strand further explores Tim Shanhan's keynoote address, making new connectons between literacy instruction and CLC schools.
SIM Literacy STRAND HO pdf - SIM Conference 2011 Strand: Helping Schools Move to a Better Place: Thoughtful Engagement (03:36:35)
2011 SIM Conference -
Don Deshler, KUCRL, Sue Woodruff, Independent Professional Developer, Jean Piazza Independent COnsultant, Gen Geisick, Riverbank CA Univied School District, Susan D'Aniello, Strategic Learning Center, Apple TREE LLC, Vicki Ricketts, Project Consultant
Improving how an individual struggling learner performs is a challenge. However, changing the instructional practices and culture of an entire school so the performance of many students improves can be daunting. Several professional developers have been taking on and succeeding at this challenge! Although there is much that we still find to be baffling, lessons being learned and important insights are emerging. This session will provide an opportunity to hear from those who have had first-hand experiences in working with schools to make improvements. A case study involving actual examples will be used to share key findings and engage all participants in the problem-solving discussions. - SIM Conference 2012 Strand: THE Buttons to push to change Student Outcomes in a Major Way - Don Deshler, Diane Gillam, Patty Graner, Pam Leitzell, Barb Ehren (02:01:07)
2012 SIM Conference -
2012 SIM Conference
“Vital behaviors” are actions that drive change in a big way. If identified and implemented with laser-like focus, the high-leverage nature of these kinds of behaviors can really change results. Some vital behaviors have been identified for losing weight (i.e., never skip breakfast and weigh yourself daily) or in stopping the spread of New Guinea tapeworm (i.e., filter water before drinking it)……..but what about vital behaviors in working with struggling adolescent learners in secondary schools? What have we learned from our work in schools that would measure up to being a vital behavior? The purpose of this session will be to roll up our sleeves and explore this question. Here’s how we’ll do it. First, we’ll take a look at a framework to guide our thinking to bring about change in student achievement. Basically, this framework says that we need to think about putting in place some supports for instruction, for professional learning, and for the school system itself. We won’t spend a lot of time talking about this framework – just enough to get everyone on the same page. Then we’ll call upon three “expert witnesses” to make the case for one facto from each the three support areas in the framework that they deem to be a vital behavior.
Buttons to Push Strand Powerpoints (Leitzell)
Buttons to Push Strand Powerpoints (Gillam)
Improving Outcomes for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities Manuscript (Graner & Deshler)
Q Sort Items
The Buttons to Push Strand Presentation - SIM Conference 2012 Strand: Writing within the Context of CCSS - Jean Schumaker, Edge Enterprises & Peggy Graving, Literacy Consultant (02:10:13)
The strand begins with a short overview of the CCSS for writing, how to access them, and what some states are doing in relation to them. Next is a review of the strategic writing curricula that are coordinated with the writing standards and a summary of other curricula that are available to fill in holes. Schumaker and Graving will present assessments that have been developed to test the writing skills along with some results from two school districts that have been implementing the curricula. They review the newest strategic writing programs along with their results. They also will present current work and future plans for adding to the strategic writing curricula.
Capitalization SIM Conf 2012 Final Powerpoint
Commas SIM Conf 2012 Final Powerpoint
Common Core Conventions Chart
Common Core State Standards July 2012
Common Core Text Types Standards July 2012
Common Core Conventions Chart 2012
Common Core Writing Text Types Chart K-12
Punctuation SIM Conf 2012 Final Powerpoint
Writing Riverbank 2011-2012 Results July 2012 - SIM Conference 2012 Strand: The Perfect Match: Common Core State Standards & CERs - Jan Bulgren, Keith Ben-Hanania Lenz (01:41:52)
2012 SIM Conference
Components of the new initiatives from the Common Core State Standards, sound SO familiar to Content Enhancement users. Main ideas, compare and contrast, questions, argumentation, claims, and evaluation appear across content areas. Responding to all these needs will be a challenge for teachers in our schools. However, the same challenges presented to teachers in the Common Core State Standards are often the same as those experienced by professional developers in Content Enhancement. This interactive thinking and planning session will help us collaboratively answer important questions associated with the following: COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS
1. What are the higher order thinking demands in the Common Core State Standards?
2. How do these higher-order thinking demands grow increasingly complex across grade levels?
3. How are these demands similar across curricular areas (science, social students, English Language Arts)?
4. How are these demands illustrated in textbooks and in the assessments?
5. What are the Content Enhancement Routines specifically designed to respond to each higher-order thinking demand in the Common Core State Standards?
6. How can we illustrate the power of individual Content Enhancement routines and graphics to help students respond to the thinking demands?
7. How would integrated sets of Content Enhancement Routines illustrate to the field that these routines can facilitate and increase the learning specified in the Common Core State Standards?
8. How can professional development be leveraged across grade levels and curricular areas to produce more intensive use of a range of multiple, well-selected, devices that will support both teachers and students as they respond to the Common Core State Standards?
Anchor Standards Reading
Application to Students
Bulgren 2012 Strand
CCSS Across Grades
CCSS Writing 6-12
Cross Curricular CCSS
Reading Standards for Info - SIM Conference 2013 Strand: Is it Professional Development or is it Training? - Patty Graner, Devonna Dunekack (1:35:13)
SIM Conference 2013 -
Have you been thinking about doing some renovation to your professional development? This strand will address the adult learning evidence base for including specific before, during, and after elements into PD. Bring your knowledge as well as a session that you would like to renovate and engage with other expert colleagues in further developing and enhancing your work. Let’s see what we can do together!
Is It Training or Is It Professional Development Powerpoint
Table of Practices for Professional Developers ES - SIM Conference 2013 STRAND: We’ve Got Standards! Content Enhancement and The Common Core (01:50:00)
This strand will address Common Core State Standards as they relate to formative and summative assessments, and responsive classroom activities. Questions from the Course Organizer, Unit Organizer, and Question Exploration Routine will be used to identify and answer questions contained in the standards. Based on higher order learning needs identified in these questions, other tools such as Concept Mastery, Concept Comparison, and Cause-and-Effect will be developed Bring your texts, state standards, assessments, and insights to participate in collaborative analysis and development of responses to the challenges in the new standards.
Handouts:CCSS Diagram Version 10 Color BKL revised 7-2-2013
English_3_CO_w_CC_standards Power_of_Research
VJR_11th_Grade_Am_Lit_Unit_5_UO - SIM Conference 2013 Strand: Writing Strategies: What Do We Have and What Is In the Works? (02:04:47)
Jean Schumaker, Bev Colombo -
The presenters will begin this strand session with a short orientation to the Common Core State Standards for writing and how to access them, with an emphasis on the standards for text types (narrative, informative, and persuasive writing). Although the strategic writing curricula that are coordinated with the writing standards for conventions will be quickly reviewed, the new writing curricula being developed and field-tested for the textual standards will be reviewed in detail. Assessments that have been developed to test students' writing skills in districts will be shared along with some of the latest results. As always, feedback from participants will be sought and will be appreciated.
Common Core Conventions Chart
Common Core Narrative Writing Standards
CCSS ppt
CSS for Informative Writing
Common Core Text Types Standards
Opinion and Argumentative
Writing Strategies - Riverbank California Scope and Sequence
Writing Strategies Scope and Sequence - SIM Conference 2015 General Session: Introducing SIM Micro-Credentials - Ben Roome, Patty Graner (01:13:37)
KUCRL is implementing a Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) credentialing/digital badge system. The system is designed to recognize not only what participants learn about components of SIM but also what they accomplish as a result of your professional development in various routines and strategies. During this general session, attendees will learn about credentialing systems, the workings of the SIM system, and their part in the system. SIM Professional Developers will be guided through (a) how to sign into Badge List, (b) how to upload evidence to their credential, and (c) how to download their SIM PD credential to various sites. Wifi will be available. Bring your laptop, tablet, or smartphone to actively engage in the system.
Session powerpoint - SIM Conference 2016: Learning to Read with KUCRL FUSION and XTreme Reading (01:13:55)
- SIM for Preservice Educators - Michael Faggella Luby (01:09:02)
2014 SIM Conference - SIM for Preservice Educators - Michael Faggella Luby (01:16:05)
2013 SIM Conference -
This session is for teacher educators who would like to share and collaborate on how they implement and conduct research on SIM in higher education courses. Participants will discuss SIM in course syllabi, course requirements, course instructional materials, course implementation ideas and activities, clinical and field-based experiences, research ideas, and using SIM to meet state and national accreditation requirements. We hope you will bring class syllabi to share as well as ideas for research collaborations.
- SIM for Preservice Educators (01:32:15)
2011 SIM Conference -
Barbara Duchardt, Professor and Coordinator of Graduate Programs,Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Joyce Rademacher, Professor of Special EducationTexas Woman's University - SIM in Higher Education - Dee Berlinghoff, Mount Saint Mary College (01:13:54)
2010 SIM Conference -
This session is for teacher educators who would like to share how they implement SIM in higher education. We'll discuss course syllabi, course requirements, course instructional materials, course implementation ideas and activities, clinical and field-based experiences, and using SIM to meet state and national accreditation requirements.
LINCS_score_sheet_Summer_2010.docRubric for concept routines and FRAME
Rubric for course, unit, lesson organizers
Sample Syllabus 1
Sample Syllabus 2
Sample Syllabus 3
Sample Syllabus 4 - SIM in Higher Education - Michael Faggella-Luby, Monica Harris, Frances Ihle, Joyce Rademaker
2013 SIM Conference -
ppt and notes page - SIM Overview 1998 - Don Deshler (00:08:49)
Communication is inherently a partnership activity, with both parties trying to construct meaning together. For that reason, a central part of the Instructional Coaching Institutes held at KUCRL is a discussion of several partnership communication skills. This presentation offers an overview of several partnership practices related to listening, promoting a language of continuing regard, building emotional connections, avoiding difficult conversations, and recognizing communication barriers within ourselves. The presentation is intended to enhance the way participants communicate with all of the people in their lives.
- SIM Preconference 2007: Instructional Coaching - Jim Knight (02:07:39)
This session will provide an overview of the approach to coaching described in Jim's book, Instructional Coaching: A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction. The session will provide a definition of what coaches do, an overview of the components of coaching, and a review of the partnership approach, which is the theoretical basis behind this approach.
- SIM Preconference 2008: Applying an RTI Framework to Adolescent Age Students - Don Deshler and Daryl Mellard, KUCRL, Evelyn Johnson Boise State University, and Barbara Ehren, University of Central Florida (03:50:00)
2008 SIM Preconference Session -
VIDEO PART 1 (01:19:49) | VIDEO PART 2(2:28:23)
Response to intervention research has focused on elementary school applications. In this session, we will review RTI models, important decisions for their application in a middle school, and the directions for developing, implementing and scaling up.
RTI ppt notes handout
Evelyn Johnson ppt Handout
Don Deshler ppt Handout
RTI Implementation Guide
Evelyn Johnson Screening
Barb Ehren ppt
Three Tiered Model
Challenges - SIM Preconference 2009: Computerized Writing Strategy Instruction - Jean Schumaker, Lisa Walsh (01:55:19)
Some students just do not have the prerequisite skills for the Error Monitoring Strategy and others have not learned the complex rules for capitalization and punctuation required on their state competency exams and college entrance exams. This session will focus on three computerized programs for teaching strategies associated with capitalization rules, comma rules and other punctuation rules. Participants will learn about the strategies themselves and how to provide workshops on the programs and instruct teachers on their roles in using the computerized instruction format.
- SIM Preconference 2009: Fusion Reading: AN Overview of a Comprehensive Evidence-Based HS Reading Pro - Mike Hock, Irma Brasseur-Hock, Don Deshler (01:20:05)
New KUCRL research on reading instructions for adolescent struggling readers has yielded interesting results and let us to develop a reading program called Fusion Reading. The program includes strategies for increasing reading motivation, decoding, word identification, and fluency; reading comprehension strategies for paraphrasing, summarizing, generating questions, drawing inferences, and recognizing text structures; a vocabulary component focused on learning vocabulary in context and through class discussion; and an instructional methodology based on explicit instruction with extensive practice and feedback. This session wills share the Fusion Reading curriculum and our research findings. Participants will be asked to help conceptualize the professional development model and activities used to support implementation of Fusion Reading at the school and classroom level.
- SIM Preconference 2009: Instructional Coaching - Jim Knight (02:26:29)
This session will provide an overview of the approach to coaching described in Jim's book, Instructional Coaching; A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction. The session will provide a definition of what coaches do, an overview of the components of coaching, and a review of the partnership approach, which is the theoretical basis behind this approach.
Chapter 2 PDF - SIM Overview Make and Take - Patty Graner (01:17:26)
Each of us has created overviews (SIM, CE, LS, CLC) for a variety of purposes and audiences. Bring an overview that you would like to share or one that you would like to overhaul, or create one with colleagues during this session.
- SIM Within a Tiered Support System - Graner 2017
High Leverage Practices for Gen Ed
Using Educator Effectiveness Measures to Improve Educator Prep Programs and Student Outcomes
Role of State Policy in Preparing Educators to Meet the Learning Needs of Students with LD
- Six Trait and SIM: A Perfect Marrriage for Writing Instruction - Rosemary Tralli (01:07:57)
2005 SIM Conference -
This presentation will focus on ways to develop students' writing skills by integrating strategies and skills from SIM and Six Trait Writing.
Scoring Traits
Practice Scoring Sets
Editing Checklist
- SIM: A Building Block for Hope - Beachboard
Hope is not simply an emotion. Hope is a science. Hope is one of the most robust predictors of GPA, future academic attainment, and overall resiliency. Measuring and raising hope levels can combat the effects of trauma and adverse childhood experiences, build motivation, and drive achievement. SIM professional developer and author Cathleen Beachboard is on a mission to improve hope in schools. This mini-keynote shows how standard practices in the SIM Content Enhancement Routines (CER) and Learning Strategies (LS) support psychological hope and can improve the success and life outcomes of every learner. Interweaving her expertise as a classroom teacher utilizing SIM CER and LS, and research and tools from her new book, The School of Hope: The Journey From Trauma and Anxiety to Achievement, Happiness, and Resilience, Cathleen plans to show how SIM can be a building block for supporting hope in every classroom.
Cathleen Beachboard
Author and English Teacher
Fauquier County, VACathleen Beachboard is a teacher, author, and researcher. She writes and creates content for Edutopia and has been featured by TED-Ed. After adopting five children out of a case of extreme abuse and neglect, she has been on a mission to improve school outcomes for those who experience trauma and anxiety.
Cathleen has taught middle school English for the past 15 years. She also works as a researcher holding an M.A. in Psychology and is working on a doctorate in Positive Psychology. Her research focuses on psychological tools schools can use to help students and staff increase psychological hope, resiliency, achievement, and happiness.