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- A Blended Learning Journey - Amy Hunt, Director of Educational Technology, Greenbush Southeast Kansas Education Service Center - Girard, KS
Changing a classroom from using traditional teaching techniques to a blended learning environment is a natural step for educational technology integration. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. This session will share the ups and downs of a 6th grade classroom's semester long journey of switching to a blended learning environment. It will explore wheter or not student achievement, engagement, and behavior levels were effected by the change and its outcomes.
- Accelerating Student Learning with SIM (53:05) - Creneti
2024 Florida SIM Update Conference -
As educators, time continues to be our most precious and limited resource. Teaching all the course standards in a course is a challenge in the best of circumstances. Now factor in an increased need for addressing gaps in background knowledge and skills post-pandemic and it seems almost impossible. Enter the power of acceleration – focusing on the most critical content to ensure all students develop the proficiency needed for success in current and future coursework. SIM Content Enhancement Routines are an ideal partner for accelerating learning given their foundational focus on SMARTER planning and instruction. In this session, expand your understanding of acceleration, explore its alignment to SMARTER and discover how CERs provide educators with tools and approaches to accelerate successfully, maximizing student learning.
- Addressing Adolescent Literacy: One State's Story -Presenters: Paula Crawford, Section Chief, NC Dept. of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children Division, Program Improvement and Professional Development - Raleigh, NC | Elizabeth Gibbs, Consultant & SIM Professional Developer, Learning Curve Consultants - Marion, NC | Pam Leitzell, SIM Professional Developer, Learning Curve Consultants – Florence, AL | Laura Marsden, Literacy Consultant, NC Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children Division, Program Improvement and Professional Development - Asheville, NC
Presenters will share North Carolina’s work in building a statewide framework for addressing adolescent literacy, which involves collaboration between teams at the state, regional, district, and building levels. This statewide network has been forged over the course of the last few years through the state’s Content Literacy Continuum™ Project and the addition of adolescent literacy as a major goal in their current state professional development grant known as NC SIP (North Carolina State Improvement Project). The work in North Carolina has pulled together expertise from SIM professional developers and coaches at the state, regional and district level to implement components of SIM™ in designated schools. This work has now been expanded to include the implementation of SIM™ in NC SIP sites across the state. Presenters will share the challenges and successes that have resulted from their long-term partnership and provide tips for initiating programming and supports for adolescent literacy.
- A Blueprint for Academic Support for At Risk College Students - Kathleen Gabriel (01:15:10)
2005 SIM Conference -
This presentation will focus on Kathleen Gabriel's experiences in working with at-risk college students and the SIM Learning Strategies. Ways that the strategies were used to help at-risk college students to become strong, competent students will be discussed. Most students (76%) in the program graduated from college. Once they had mastered the strategies and other self-management skills, they needed very little tutoring or support in their junior and senior years.
- Agents of Change: Instructional Coaches as Leaders of Learning - Teri Clement, Amy Havard, Zenovia DeCuir
RAISEupTexas is a whole-school transformation model utilizing leadership development and support, a foundational instructional model and systems for supporting both students and teachers. We are leveraging the synergy of these efforts to make a difference in the lives of middle level students throughout Central Texas. This session will focus on the critical role of Instructional Coaching in this transformation. Serving as change agents for the students served by their campus, the work of an instructional coach requires a consistent balance of passion for student learning and outcomes, advocacy for best instructional practices and sensibilities as co-leaders of a learning community. Participants will hear from Project Managers and Instructional Coaches from Central Texas schools in the RAISEupTexas project.
- A Journey of School Change (01:38:53)
Donald Latham, Holly Drake, Kendall Hunt -
In this session, we will share our journey of school change and the implementation of the CLC with SIM. We will focus on specific changes in our school's teaching and learning culture and the challenges we have faced. Participants will hear the perspectives of both administration and teacher leaders as we tell our story of school change through the use of school and student date, success stories and video clips in relation to the five levels of CLC
- A Multi-Media CD Program for Teaching Paragraph Writing - Jean Schumaker (1:18:52)
SIM Conference 2012. -
Jean Schumaker will present two computerized programs for teaching students paragraph writing. Her presentation will focus on the instructional methods within the programs. She will discuss research results and provide instruction on the use of the CD programs and how to instruct teachers about them. Please bring your laptops so you can try out the programs!
- A Multi-Media CD Program for Teaching Theme Writing (00:40:19)
2015 SIM Conference
Jean Schumaker -
Jean Schumaker will present two computerized programs for teaching students theme writing: one for teaching basic themes and one for teaching Informative, Persuasive, and Narrative Themes. Her presentation will focus on the instructional methods used within the programs. She will provide instruction on the logistics of using the CD programs in classrooms and how to instruct teachers about them.
- A Phone, A Closet & a Tennis Ball: Tools for Designing Effective Slide Presentations (01:08:19)
SIM Conference 2012
David Gnojek, KUCRL -
Colors, fonts and images are too often an afterthought when it comes to presenting important information. Thoughtless use of design can confuse or bore your audience and, at worst, make your presentation forgettable. A visually engaging presentation will reinforce and clarify your message to your audience as well as help you keep on track when presenting. By learning a handful of basic design principles, you can create clean, beautiful slides that any LCD projector would be proud to display. This session will discuss practical ways to pair meaningful content with eye-catching design to create effective and enlightening slide presentations.
- Academic Building Blocks of Success - Don Deshler (00:03:27)
- Action Research (01:01:24)
2015 SIM Conference
Elizabeth Gibbs, Pam Leitzell -
"Action research can provide answers for educators in search of evidence that their work is making a difference. It provides a process that promotes inquiry, reflection, and the careful use of data to investigate pertinent issues related to practices in schools. The process empowers educators to tackle difficult questions and essentially becomes the energizing force that can drive change. This session will focus on: (a) the Action Research matrix shared at the 2009 Conference and article by Catherine M. Brighton and Tonya R. Moon, Action Research Step by Step: A Tool for Educators to Change Their Worlds, and (b) the seven steps involved when creating an action research plan and (c) "lessons learned" from the field.
- Addressing Dyslexia with SIM
Watch Video
2019 SIMposiumIn the past 5 years, most of the states in the US have enacted state legislation regarding Dyslexia. In many states this focus on meeting the needs of students with Dyslexia has resulted in renewed interest in SIM. In this session we will discuss how SIM can address the challenges faced by students with Dyslexia. Participants will share your state’s Dyslexia legislation, initiatives, and resources, as well as how you are using SIM and how we can all leverage the mandates to promote SIM.
- Adolescent Literacy Reports (01:22:42)
Michael Faggella-Luby -
After decades of research on early literacy, growing concern that adolescent learners are not adequately prepared to meet the literacy challenges of school and life is shifting attention toward older readers, result in in a proliferation of recent reports on adolescent literacy. These reports are widely disseminate, usually free, and are potentially a significant lever of change. The purpose of this presentation is to report findings from a systematic and comprehensive review of a major subset of these reports which identified common threads related to core instruction for all stents, supplemental instruction for adolescent struggling readers and the infrastructure necessary to support improved outcomes. Review of these policy reports identified broad consensus on the appropriate research supported pedagogy for struggling readers related to the content of instruction (what teachers teach), the pedagogical framework (how teachers teach) and how assessment informs instruction. Participants will receive an executive summary of findings from across the reports, critical questions provoked by these reports in light of SIM and how professional developers might engage school and district administrators.
- Adolescent Literacy Testimonials (00:06:19) Rosalind Davenport Ardella Dailey Victoria Forrester Laurie McLachlan-Fry
- All Aboard the Professional Development Train (01:29:41)
2012 SIM Conferfence
Jana Craig-Hare, Amber Rowland -
Designing professional development in the 21st-century requires powerful tools, collaboration, and flexible delivery methods. Join this interactive session for Technology Resources, Apps, Ideas and Networking opportunities with other professional development professionals. This session will highlight web-based resources and iPad Apps essential to support 21st Century learning environments. Participants will also have an opportunity to share their own professional learning tips, resources and strategies!
- All Classrooms, All Students (00:04:22)
Keith Lenz - ALTEC All-Stars (02:01:52) 2006 SIM Conference Erica Schaapveld, KUCRL ALTEC
The Advanced Learning Technology in Education Consortia is an organization that is dedicated to deveooping free, easy to use web-based resources to support teachers and students. Learn how to make quizzes, rubrics, and lesson plans. See the student writing Suite. It is easy to integrate technology into your classroom with these tools.
- Assessment and Intervention to Promote Self-Determination - Shogren
- 2018 SIM Conference
Watch Video Presentation PDF - Author Gwen Berry Explores The Listening and Note-taking Strategy (1:02:35)