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Video by Title: V-Z
- Viewing SIM from an Administrator’s Perspective - Short, Graving, Geisek (00:58:32)
2006 SIM Conference -
Kim Short, North Carolina State University faculty member, Assistant Principal, Ballentine Elementary, Wake County Public School System, North Carolina; Peggy Graving-Reyes, Secondary Curriculum Coach, Stockton, Calif.; and Ken Geisek, Principal, Riverbank High School, Calif.
This session will look at SIM and CLC initiatives through an administrative lens. The presenters draw on a wealth of personal teaching, professional development, and administrative experience as they discuss the complex set of challenges involved in successfully implementing SIM and CLC. The differences in perspectives of teachers, professional developers, and administrators can move SIM forward or stop it in its tracks. Likewise, the multiyear process of CLC school reform presents unique challenges for leaders and requires acquisition of new leadership skills. Th is presentation will examine these issues and provide insight and strategies for leading a staff in SIM and CLC efforts. - Virtual Coaching - Brasseur-Hock, Elford, Rowland, Smith
2018 KUCRL Learning Conference
Journal Assignment Template
- Virtual Coaching: Flexible Professional Development for Any Educator, Anywhere - Marti Elford, Suzy Myers, Amber Rowland
2021 SIMposium
Coaching is the most effective professional development teachers can receive. Virtual Coaching is geographically neutral and content agnostic. Virtual Coaching provides job-embedded, ongoing and personalized support that addresses educators’ unique needs. Coaching one of the best ways school systems can invest in their own personnel and propel student learning forward. Join us to hear about our lessons learned and our tips for bringing virtual coaching to your district.
Learner Objectives:
As a result of attending this session, participants will:
● Gain knowledge to an innovative, field-tested virtual coaching model that they can bring back and implement in their own context
● Develop an understanding of each phase of the technology-enabled Vector Virtual Coaching model by viewing examples and guiding materials
● Collaborate with fellow participants to unpack how Vector Virtual Coaching can address the coaching needs in your district
- Virtual Instructional Coaching: Breaking Down Barriers to Teacher Learning - Suzanne Myers
2019 SIMposium
Instructional coaching is a practice with the potential to bridge the gap between theory and practice and ensure all students gain access to high-quality instruction. However, in geographically and otherwise isolated areas, instructional coaching often seems out of reach and impossible to implement. Dr. Myers and Dr. Rowland have been studying a virtual instructional coaching model that could provide all teachers the opportunity to engage in job-embedded, ongoing, sustained, context-considerate, personalized professional learning focused on student learning needs. During this session, participants will learn about the virtual coaching model being implemented, view preliminary data, engage with coaching session transcripts, and discuss with other participants what professional learning barriers still need to be addressed.
- Virtual Social Skills Instruction - Sue Vernon (01:24:03)
2005 SIM Conference -
A federally funded project to design and pilot test an interactive multimedia program (IM) for teaching social skills to youths with social-adjustment problems will be discusses, and the program will be demonstrated. Included in the discussion will be the results of the pilot test that demonstrated the effectiveness of using an IM format for teaching 3 social skills and future goals related to new CD programs. Benefits of the new program include the fun factor of innovative, creative technology to teach skills and its potential use as a preventive or remedial option in a variety of settings (e.g., group homes, detention centers, probation programs). - Vocabulary: Where Does SIM Fit In? - Monica Harris (00:25:25)
This session will share what the literature tells us about vocabulary acquisition and word learning. It will include a discussion about how the Content Enhancement Routines can be used to embed and integrate vocabulary instruction in the classroom as well as introducing morphemic analysis as an approach to word learning. - VOISS Overview (Virtual Reality Lessons for Social Emotional Learning - Sean Smith, Amber Rowland
2021 SIMposium
VOISS Adviser(Voiceadviser.org)
- What Can Professional Developers Do to Partner with Administrators? - Ken Geisick, Barb Millikan (00:57:07)
2011 SIM Conference -
Do you ever leave a workshop feeling great about teachers' plans to implement SIM in their classrooms but unsure how the administrators will support implementation? Administrators play a vital role in monitoring and supporting implementation of SIM, but often don't have time to attend an entire professional development session. If you have two hours with an administrator when you are working in a school or district, what can you do to help the administrator monitor and support the implementation of SIM? This session offers concrete ideas about how professional developers can work with administrators to help them support and monitor implementation effectively. Ken and Barb are administrators with years of experience in school and district implementation of SIM. This is a great session is for administrators who are new to SIM and for professional developers who are working to support SIM implementation in several schools or districts- Presentation: Partnering with Administrators to Implement SIM Successfully
- Administrators Action Plan
- Administrator PD Plan Examples
- Administrator Professional Development Plan questions
- Administrator/PDer Agenda Template
- Words of Wisdom from Jean Piazza
- Professional Development Debrief Notes template
- Principal Readiness Interview Guide
- School Improvement Model - Barkley
- What Can Professional Developers Do to Partner with Administrators?
- Intensive Explicit Instruction
- Checklists
- What have 35 Years of Content Enhancement Research Taught Us? - Jean Schumaker, Keith Lenz
2021 SIMposium
Jean Schumaker and Joe Fisher have reviewed thirty-five years of research on four Content Enhancement Routines. This session will summarize their findings and describe the elements that are critical when designing online or live professional development for teachers about the routines. A variety of PD structures will be shared for online instruction of teachers. Participants will discuss the elements of PD that they have found to be successful in online PD instruction.
CE Review Presentation7.14.21[3]+KL.pptx
These two articles will be published in Learning Disabilities Research & Practice this fall in the same issue with Karen Harris's work on SRSD.
- When Big Ideas Collide: Supporting Implementation of Differentiated Visual Tools Through Instructional Coaching - Knight /Ellis
- Why Focus on Adolescent Literacy? - Arlyn Zack, Former Principal, Muskegon, MI (00:01:13)
New acVIDEO LINKcordion content
- Why Focus on Adolescent Literacy? - Don Deshler (00:01:58)
- Will You Be My Friend? Social Emotional Learning and Elementary Students with LD - Haynes Smith
- Word Identification Strategy, Second to None! 2018 SIM Conference - Gillam
2018 KUCRL Conference Watch Video
- Word Identification - Carla Spyksma, Academic Strategies, Riverbank, CA (00:04:51)
- Word Identification for Professional Developers
2000 SIM Conference
- Word Mapping: A Vocabulary building Strategy - Bonnie Palasak, Janet Atallah
2021 SIMposium
Watch Video:
Teaching Word Mapping pptx
Lessons at a Glance
Skeleton Student Folder
Word Mapping Revised ppt
Word Mapping Checklist Lesson 1 - 3
Word Mapping Checklist Lesson 4
Harry Potter - Word Mapping Made Easy: How to “Map” in Content Area Classrooms - Monica Harris (00:58:52)
2015 SIM Conference -
Vocabulary instruction continues to be on the minds of many teachers, specifically how to approach assisting students who have diverse academic needs to be successful in inclusive content area classrooms (Kamil et al., 2008). What about word choice and evidence-based practices? In addition, more teachers are wondering about this “morphology” thing. This session will address the needs of content area teachers as well as professional developers who want to know how to choose critical vocabulary and when to use the Word Mapping versus LINCS strategies to increase student performance on unit tests. A variety of classroom activities will be shared and guided practice provided for choosing key terms. Participants will:
• Learn about the latest research in content area vocabulary instruction
• Understand and apply how to choose critical key terms to increase student academic performance on unit tests
• Learn how to integrate the Word Mapping and LINCS strategies together for instruction in inclusive content area classrooms
Reference Kamil, M. L., Borman, G. D., Dole, J., Kral, C. C., Salinger, T., and Torgesen, J. (2008). Improving adolescent literacy: Effective classroom and intervention practices: A Practice Guide (NCEE #2008-4027). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from:http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc
Handouts: - Word Mapping: How to Map in Content Area Classrooms - Monica Harris (00:57:31)
2016 SIM Conference - The Word Mapping Routine - Harris 2017
- Wordsmith: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Students with Disabilities - Paula Lancaster
2014 SIM Conference -
This session provides participants with a demonstration of an interactive-multimedia computer program used to teach common prefixes, suffixes, roots and their meanings to students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities). Research on the validity and effectiveness of the program will also be discussed. Implementation strategies will also be provided.
Handouts: - Writing Strategies: What do we have and what’s in the works? - Schumaker/Colombo (02:04:47)
SIM Conference 2013 -
The presenters will begin this strand session with a short orientation to the Common Core State Standards for writing and how to access them, with an emphasis on the standards for text types (narrative, informative, and persuasive writing). Although the strategic writing curricula that are coordinated with the writing standards for conventions will be quickly reviewed, the new writing curricula being developed and field-tested for the textual standards will be reviewed in detail. Assessments that have been developed to test students’ writing skills in districts will be shared along with some of the latest results. As always, feedback from participants will be sought and will be appreciated.
Handouts:Common Core Conventions Chart
Common Core Narrative Writing Standards
Common Core State Standards for Informative Writing
Common Core Text Types Standards
Opinion and Argumentative Common Core Standards
Writing Strategies Riverbank Scope Sequence Common Core 2013
Writing Strategies Scope and Sequence 2011 - Xtreme Reading (01:07:12) - Jean Schumaker, Edge Enterprises, Mike Hock and Don Deshler, KUCRL, Suzanne Robinson, Strategic Learning Center
2008 SIM Conference -
This panel presentation will review different aspects of the research conducted on the Center's new reading curriculum, Xtreme Reading. Presenters will review data collected during a two-year study of the Xtreme Reading course, summarize the official first year report and preview future directions. - Xtreme Reading, A New SIM Reading Course - Jean Schumaker
2007 SIM Conference -
Video Part 1 (01:21:11)
Video Part 2 (2:02)
SIM was selected in a competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education as one of two reading interventions for struggling adolescent readers to be tested in a randomized trial national study. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning launched this study in 2005-2006, and it has continued in 2006-2007. This session will give an overview of Xtreme Reading and will provide descriptions of the new strategies and instructional methodology developed for the course. Also, instructional features such as the Book Study Activities will be described. - Xtreme Reading: A New SIM Reading Course - Jan Bulgren, Mike Hock, Jean Schumaker, Don Deshler,KUCRL (01:17:26)
2006 SIM Conference -
SIM was selected in a competition sponsored by the US Department of Education as one of two reading interventions for struggling adolescent readers to be tested in a randomized trial national study. KUCRL launched this study in 2005-2006. This session will give an overview of Xtreme Reading and point out different features and improvements from other SIM strategies.
Handouts: - Xtreme Reading Overview including the use of Micro-Credentials - Janet Atallah, Bonnie Palasak
- 2021 SIMposium
Watch Video
This breakout session explores how to support teachers implementing Xtreme Reading in their journey to obtaining the Xtreme Reading Fidelity of Implementation Badge and Professional Developer Badge. A framework and resources for guiding the teachers through the micro-credentialing process will be shared.
Read document Xtreme Reading vs. Learning Strategies in the Handouts file.
Explore the Xtreme Reading Fidelity of Implementation badge and be sure to look at the evidence posted by teachers https://www.badgelist.com/Additional-SIM-Credentials/Xtreme-Reading-Fidelity-FI
Explore the Xtreme Reading PDer Badge and review the required evidence https://www.badgelist.com/Additional-SIM-Credentials/Xtreme-Reading-PDerLearner Objectives: Participants will understand the micro-credentialing process for Xtreme Reading in supporting teachers through the process.