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VIDEO by Title: N-P
- Narrative Strategy (01:08:18) - Sue Vernon
2006 SIM Conference - Neatest Things: Content Enhancement
2008 SIM Conference
Gail Cheever, Facilitator -
Handout: Devices for Modeling with Teachers.
Neat Ideas and Nifty Devices for Modeling CE Routines with Teachers Gail Cheever, Learning Specialist, Trophy Club, TX
Power Standards, Common Assessments, and the Course and Unit Organizers: Wow, What a Fit! Patricia Ward, Director of Instruction and Learning, Crossroads Charter Academy, Big Rapids, MI. This session will refer to the books Power Standards by Larry Ainsworth and Classroom Assessment for Student Learning by Rick Stiggins. We will discuss how both books support the use of the Course and Unit Organizers in grades K12 and how to walk your staff through identifying the state level "power standards" at each grade level; how to assess for competency of those standards; and how to use the Course and Unit Organizers as a means to actually teach the standards throughout the school year. This is an example of one school's attempt to align curriculum, instruction and assessment and to improve student performance through the Karen Koskovitch Neatest Thing LSSleuthing Parts of Speech in PSW: Ed Ellis
Optimizing the Opportunity for Success
Cyntha Sicilia, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Ferndale, WA - Online Possible Selves - Hock, Ortiz
2019 SIMposium
During this session, we will provide a description of the new Possible Selves: Online Version Transition program. This version of possible selves was developed to support transition planning for students with disabilities and other learners who would benefit from thinking about future goals as learners, persons, and workers and who are taught in virtual schools. Using a systems design approach, the online version was built to be responsive to a UDL framework for students with disabilities who are receiving instruction in virtual schools. In addition, the program can be used for students in traditional school environments in which technology is available to support learning. The online version of possible selves can be taught as a stand-alone transition course/unit or embedded in a core class. Participants will examine specific online activities, explore additional lessons, and have opportunities to askquestions and provide feedback on the current model.
The Possible Selves program is designed to increase student motivation and engagement in learning by having students examine their future and think about goals that are important tothem. Specifically, students think about and describe their hoped-for possible selves expected possible selves, and feared possible selves. In effect, students examine certain aspects of their lives and are challenged to evaluate and take action that will enable them to become strong, well-balanced human beings. They set goals, create plans, and work toward their goals aspart of this program.
- Possible Selves 2nd Edition(47:18) - Mike Hock
2024 Southeast SIM Update Conference - Paragraph Writing and Theme Writing Strategies
2010 SIM Conference
Jean Schumaker -
This session will review these strategies and share ideas for workshop sessions, course schedules/scope and sequence for the strategies.
Paragraph Writing PD Guide
Paragraph PD Guide 2
Paragraph PD Guide 3
Paragraph Writing Presentation
Theme Writing PD Guide
Theme Writing PD Guide 2 - Paraphrasing Strategy Class Demo (Credit unknown 00:03:46)
- Paraphrasing, Jerry Deyoung HS Economics Teacher, Riverbank CA (00:03:36)
- Paraphrasing: Chris Romero, Academic Strategies - Riverbank, CA (00:04:18)
- Paraphrasing: Paul Kurdziel, English Teacher, Muskegon, MI (00:04:11)
- Partnership Learning
2009 Preconference Session - Jim Knight
- PD & Coaching: Supporting Quality Implementation of a Comprehensive CRL Reading Program (1:24:55)
2015 SIM Conference
Mike Hock, Irma Brasseur Hock, Sue Woodruff -
Improving reading achievement for adolescents with disabilities is a national concern. Unfortunately, efforts to close the achievement gap for this population have had little impact on student outcomes. During this presentation, we briefly discuss a supplemental reading program and its impact on student reading outcomes. Most importantly, we describe a collaborative professional development and technology supported coaching model. The PD and coaching model will include a discussion of how we used the Edthena video platform during coaching sessions to reduce coach “windshield time” and to increase teacher focus on their actual classroom practices. The coaching model we used is based on Jim Knight’s Instructional coaching and coaching of coaches models. Session goals are to: (1) increase knowledge of a comprehensive and supplemental reading program 2) increase knowledge of a collaborative professional learning and technology supported instructional coaching model that supports quality implementation and improved student outcomes.
- Picking the Best Sentence Writing Program for Students - Schumaker
2019 SIMposium
Do you work with teachers who are uncertain about what sentence writing programs to utilize with their students? Then join Jean Schumaker for a discussion and comparison session on sentence-writing interventions. During this session, several interventions will be discussed, along with their strengths, the research that has been conducted on them, and the results that they’ve produced.
Concepts Taught in Fundamentals in the Sentence Writing Strategy
Research Articles on Sentence Writing
Sentence Writing Programs presentation
- Possible Selves 2nd Edition Blended Learning
2021 SIMposium
Lesson Plan materials from the session
- Power of Protocols (00:25:46) (Cuts off 30 minutes in)
2013 SIM Conference
Cathy Spriggs -
Engaging participants in professional development sessions is a key partnership practice. Protocols provide a way to facilitate a collaborative, networked, transparent, and accountable means of working with colleagues to plan and learn together. Join this interactive session to explore a variety of protocols to engage your participants during workshops, facilitated planning meetings, department meetings, and exploration of student work.
On-Line Protocols
Power of Protocols Handout
Power of Protocols Presentation
Prompt Handout
Protocol Steps and Reflections - Preconference 2007: Instructional Coaching (02:07:39)
Jim Knight -
This session will provide an overview of the approach to coaching described in Jim's book, Instructional Coaching: A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction. The session will provide a definition of what coaches do, and overview of the components of coaching and a review of the partnership approach which is the theoretical basis behind this approach.
- Preconference 2006: Planning & Teaching Integrated Sets of CERs in Content Courses w GIST (00:40:17)
Jan Bulgren, KUCRL -
This session will illustrate instruction associated with Content Enhancement Planning and Teaching Routines using sets of materials designed to guide teachers as they develop understandings interactively with all students in secondary classes.
- Preconference 2007: Community Building & Cooperative Thinking Strategies CD Programs (01:55:22)
Sue Vernon, Edge Enterprises -
Explore the Community Building and Cooperative Thinking Strategies multimedia professional development programs.
- Preconference 2009: Partnership Learning (01:55:40)
Jim Knight -
Jim Knight has read widely about presentation skills in preparation for writing his book on the Partnership Learning approach. During this session, he will summarize what he has learned while he and participants collectively revisit the partnership principles, the Partnership Learning structures, and the research that was conducted to validate this approach to leading workshops. Jim and participants consider other topics including effective slides, engaging delivery tactics and community building strategies.
Partnership Learning Fieldbook
Partnership Learning 3.0 - Preconference 2010: Computer Based Strategic Tutoring PD: Building Capacity wih Directors, Teachers
Preconference 2010: Computer Based Strategic Tutoring PD: Building Capacity wih Directors, Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Peers and Volunteers (00:54:51)
Paula Lancaster, Grand Valley State University -
Participants will become familiar with the content of the beginner level and advanced level Strategic Tutoring CDs as well as the Strategic Tutoring Center CD.
Presentation - Preconference 2010: Computerized Writing Strategy Instruction (01:22:24)
Jean Schumaker and Lisa Walsh, Edge Enterprises -
Some students just do not have the prerequisite skills for the Error Monitoring Strategy, and others have not learned the complex rules for capitalization and punctuation required on their state competency exams and college entrance exams. This session will focus on three computerized programs for teaching strategies associated with capitalization rules, comma rules, and other punctuation rules. Participants will learn how to provide professional development on the programs and instruct teachers on their roles in using the computerized instruction format.
Capitalization Presentation
Commas Presentation
Punctuation Presentation - Preconference 2010: Enhancing CERs: Guidebooks on Integrating CE Routines in Core & Elective Classes
Suzanne Robinson, Beverly Colombo, Strategic Learning Center -
Gen Ed teachers often ask to see examples of Content Enhancement devices designed for the courses they teach. The 5 supplemental Enhancing CER guidebooks were created to provide quality examples and more. Four guidebooks address the four main core content areas: math social studies, science and English/language arts. A fifth guidebook addresses elective classes. Each guidebook contains a list of courses taught in the discipline and descriptive information about the courses; national standards for the content area; a list of critical concepts addressed in the discipline and in specific courses; information about the text structure, knowledge structures, and ways of thinking in the discipline; examples of formative and summative assessments that align with the Content Enhancement Devices. This session will introduce PD-ers to the supplemental guidebooks and provide ideas and support materials.
- Preconference 2010: Literature Literacy SMARTsheets (00:56:35)
This workshop focuses on how to apply Literature Literacy SMARTsheets to enhance comprehension of and ability to write about literature. SMARTsheets are graphic organizer like devices with embedded semantic prompts designed to cue students to engage in specific information processing strategies and thinking skills and to focus on what is essential to understand about a set of high frequency generative topics commonly addressed in literature. We will examine SMARTsheets for story grammar and sequence, analysis of story problems, characters, poems, speeches, literacy devices, and literary themes, as well as SMARTsheets designed to promote use of questioning, making inferences, summarizing, and predicting cognitive strategies. To view samples of Literature SMARTsheets, see ww.MakesSenseStrategies.com.
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4 - Preconference 2010: What’s New in the Big Four (01:19:23)
Jim Knight, KUCRL -
The Big Four is a set of tools that instructional coaches can use as they work with teachers. The tools fall into four main categories: managing classroom behavior, implementing formative assessment, enhancing content knowledge, and improving direct instruction.
- Preconference Session 2008 - Partnership Learning: An Update (01:52:41)
Jim Knight, Devona Dunekack and Lynn Barnes, KUCRL -
During the past year, Jim Knight has read widely about presentation skills in preparation for writing his book on the Partnership Learning approach. During this preconference session, he;ll summarize what he has learned from that reading while he and participants collectively revisit the partnership principles , the partnership learning structures, and the research that was conducted to validate this approach to leading workshops. In addition, Jim and participants will consider other topics, including effective slides, engaging delivery tactics, and community building strategies.
- Preconference Session 2008: Instructional Coaching (02:08:38)
Devona Dunkack, Lynn Barnes, Jim Knight -
This preconference session will provide an overview of the approach to coaching described in Jim Knight's book, Instructional Coaching: A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction. The session will provide a definition of what coaches do, an overview of the components of coaching, and a review of the partnership approach which is the theoretical basis behind this approach.
- Process for Training Content Enhancement - Connie Gentle & Jeri Neduchal (00:53:50)
2001 SIM Conference - Proficiency in Theme Writing: Informative Writing (01:21:20)
2014 SIM Conference
Jean Schumaker, Edge Enterprises, Inc.