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Video by TITLE: C
- Case Study of S-V Agreement in Sentence Writing - Speech Language Pathologist Vicki Reed (01:00:04)
After the miles of discussion on SIM-Trainer L around the Proficiency in SW and students struggling with S-V agreement, Vicki Reed and Diane Gillam volunteered to provide a webinar about inclusive cultural and linguistic responsiveness and oral language and its relationship to written language.
- CDs: Concept Anchoring, Concept Comparison, Question Exploration, BUILD, LEARN…(01:02:49)
2005 SIM Conference
Jean Schumaker, KUCR -
Concept Anchoring, Concept Comparison, Question Exploration, BUILD, LEARN, Taking Notes Together, Strategic Tutoring
- CLC as RTI - Deshler, Ehren, Lenz
2007 SIM Conference
Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) programs are receiv-ing considerable attention nationally. However, in most instances, the focus is on early grades. If we think about the Content Literacy Continuum (CLC), it becomes clear that it contains the seeds of a secondary RTI approach. In this session, the parallels will be drawn between the CLC and RTI, with direct links between the CLC levels and typical RTI tiers. Further, discussion will focus on the basic tenets of RTI as a blueprint for implementing the continuum.
- CLC Level Five: Therapeutic Intervention (2:03) - Susan Trumbo, Barb Ehren
Barb Ehren, Susan Trumbo - CLC Level Four: Special Education (01:54) - Don Deshler, Keith Lenz, Chris Romero
- CLC Level Three: Explicit Strategy Instruction (00:01:48) - Don Deshler, Keith Lenz, Chris Romero
- CLC Level Two: Embedded Strategy Instruction (00:01:25) Don Deshler, Carla Spyksma
- CLC Level One: Embedded Strategy Instruction (00:01:25) Don Deshler, Carla Spyksma
- CLC Share-a-thon
2014 SIM Conference
Mary Black Elizabeth Gibbs Diane Gillam, Patty Graner, Dane Larson, Pam Leitzell, Keith Lenz, Shari Schindele -
The Content Literacy Continuum, a system of five levels of service to meet the needs, particularly the literacy needs, of students at the secondary level has many moving parts. I have invited leads from several robust projects to informally share their ‘must haves’ and recommendations for successful CLC implementation that make a difference for students. Join us and the conversation.
- CLC: A Primer - Keith Lenz (00:55:32)
2007 SIM Conference -
The Content Literacy Continuum, a system of five levels of service to meet the needs,
All SIM Professional Developers must have a basic understanding of the Content Literacy Continuum. Th is session will focus on understanding the goals of the CLC, how to make a brief presentation, and how to access and use basic documents needed to promote an understanding of the CLC
- CLC: District Perspective - Arlyn Zack, Former Principal, Muskegon, MI (00:03:41)
- CLC: Level One: Content Enhancement - Don Deshler, Keith Lenz, Sue Woodruff (00:02:03)
- Closing the Performance Gap (00:02:05)
Keith Lenz - Coaching SIM: How to Meet Teachers Where They are to Move them Forward - Janice Creneti
2019 SIMposium
Watch VideoImplementing SIM effectively requires a learning journey for teachers. Coaches can come along side teachers to support them on this journey, partnering with them to get a clear picture of where they are, where they want to go and how they might get there. In this session, learn about the different ways coaching is provided as part of Florida’s SPDG SIM Project, what resources are being leveraged for the work, and lessons learned from various approaches. Also bring your questions about coaching – specific and broad and we will discuss possible answers and troubleshoot concerns.
- Coming Attractions! What is Happening at KUCRL - Don Deshler (00:59:48)
2001 SIM Conference -
We will take you on a virtual tour of all the current projects at CRL. What new strategies are we developing? What new routines are planned? What are we fi eld testing? What research questions are we struggling to address? Here is a chance to probe the future, ask questions, and tell us what you think about where we are going.
- Common Core State Standards, Content Enhancement Routines & Embedded Assessments (01:00:11)
2013 SIM Conference
Keith Ben-Hanania Lenz, Vicki Ricketts -
As part of our work on the Montana Striving Readers Project, we have been identifying different ways for schools to align CCSS to instructional and progress monitoring. Most attention has been given to alignment at school and department levels. Not as much attention has been given to how classroom level progress monitoring is applied at the classroom level and in the content areas. This session will present activities that we have used to help teachers use classroom level data to evaluate implementation of the CCSS through Content Enhancement Routines and SIM strategies as part of efforts to set goals, implement interventions, and to show progress towards attaining continuous school improvement goals in such areas as increasing student engagement , developing higher order thinking skills, and embedding literacy strategies in core content instruction.
Unit Organizer Implementation Planning Responses, Presentation: Tying it all Together
- Community Building: Talking Together- Sue Vernon (00:58:33)
2000 SIM Conference -
Talking Together is the first program in the new Community Building Series. This program provides a blueprint for discussing diversity, respect, kindness, and building a safe and supportive community in the classroom. Three confidence- and competence-building skills are introduced to enable and encourage students to participate in classwide discussions. The program has been successfully field tested with more than 300 students and has been evaluated by a community panel of parents, school administrators, counselors, and numerous teachers in addition to the 16 teachers involved in the field test studies. This session will provide a description of the instructional methods and a discussion of the results of the program.
- Computerized Instruction of Learning Strategies - Paula Lancaster (00:51:01)
2006 SIM Conference
Paula Lancaster -
This session will describe and demonstrate interactive instructional programs for students including Self-Advocacy Strategy, Test Taking, FIRST Letter Mnemonic and Listening and Note-Taking and will include results from the field test and share general tips for classroom use.
Test Taking
Self Advocacy - Concept Mastery Demonstration - Sue Woodruff
Classroom demonstration of the Concept Mastery Routine by Sue Woodruff.
Overview (00:06:53)
Concept Diagram (00:05:13) - Concept Mastery: Classify Characteristics (4:58)
Sue Woodruff - Concept Mastery: Concept Diagram (05:13)
Sue Woodruff - Concept Mastery: Explore Concept Examples (00:06:53)
- Concept Mastery: Stacy Blevins, Drama Teacher, Riverbank, CA (00:03:16)
- Concept Mastery: Tom Ellis, Astronomy Teacher, Muskegon, MI (00:03:49)
- Content Enhancement & Higher Order Thinking & Reasoning: Coherency across Standards, Subject & Grade Level (01:11:10)
Jan Bulgren
2015 SIM Conference -
Among Content Enhancement Routines, many respond to higher order thinking and reasoning demands in state and national standards. A challenge for teachers and professional developers is that the demands across standards may appear different, confusing, and far less than coherent. Coherency is an approach in which parts are logically connected in order to promote understanding and ongoing use. This session will explore the coherencies, despite surface level differences, in reasoning demands across standards, subjects, grade levels and instructional units. Particular emphasis will be placed on the usefulness of the Comparison Routine, the Cause-and-Effect Routine, and the Scientific Argumentation Routine to answer higher order thinking and reasoning demands. Bring examples of standards and units to share that require higher order reasoning, challenges you have faced, and answers you have found. We will collaborate to understand and respond to demands in the standards. We will share or develop ways to make units more fully responsive to higher order thinking and reasoning demands.
Common Core Standards for Math
Presentation: CE and Higher Order Thinking and Reasoning
Presentation: Scientific Argumentation - Content Enhancement Approach: The Only Tier 1 Instructional Approach with a Programmatic Line of Research Demonstrating that All Stuents Learn - Schumaker
2019 SIMposium
interested in research on student learning? teacher learning? Jean Schumaker will be discussing just that at this year’s SIMposium. Jean and Joe Fisher have recently written an article reviewing several Content Enhancement studies focusing on four of the Content Enhancement Routines. The studies fall into two categories: those focusing solely on student learning, and those focusing on teacher and student learning. In this session, the research from two new studies will be described, the whole group of studies will be reviewed, and the results will be shared. Participants will receive a list of the Content Enhancement research articles plus results tables, and be better able to discuss the research on Content Enhancement Routines with administrators.
- Using Content Enhancement to Support Writing and Reading Comprehension - Jan Bulgren (01:07:32) 2010 SIM Conference
In this session, the emphasis will be upon the many uses of Content Enhancement devices, including as writing supports. Results of recent research will illustrate how students can use a Question Exploration Guide to write five-paragraph essays according to 6-Trait Writing analysis guidelines. In addition, participants will consider uses of the Concept Diagram, the Concept Comparison Table, and the Concept Anchoring Table. The presenter will offer suggestions for incorporating reading and comprehension strategy supports into CE instruction.
SIM CE writing and reading supports - SIM Conference 2009 Strand: Making Content Enhancement Make a Difference - Patty Graner, Jerri Neduchal, Jan Bulgren, Keith Lenz, Gail Cheever (02:15:07)
Revisiting the Link Between CE and Literacy -Jan Bulgren ppt
CE Strand Map
CER Frames with Blanks
Evaluation: Ensuring the Mastery of Critical Core Curriculum Outcomes - Jan Bulgren ppt
Reaching Decisions about teaching types of strategies - Jan Bulgren ppt
Reaching Decisions about developing the Question Exploration Guide - Jan Bulgren ppt
Conceptual Framework for Integrating CE with Strategies, Software and Self Evaluation - Jan Bulgren ppt.
SMARTER Planning Chapter from Teaching Content To All
The Value Added Power of Integrated CE Devices and Routines - Jan Bulgren ppt
Vocabulary Activity
Activity: Thinking about the critical concepts of CE
CLC Research Report
The ART of SMARTER Planning - Keith Lenz ppt
The ER of SMARTER Planning - Keith Lenz ppt
The SM of SMARTER Planning - Keith Lenz ppt
SMARTER Planning Principles - Keith Lenz ppt
Thinking About the Curriculum- Keith Lenz
Effective Questioning - Jim Knight
Question Exploration Activity
Making QE not too hard, not too easy, JUST RIGHT - Jan Bulgren
Question Exploration Explore TOC
SMARTER Planning - Gail Cheever
Thinking About Assessment and Demonstrating Competence, What is the Score?
Question Exploration Routine
Content Planning: Developing Effective Unit Questions, Unit Maps and Teaching Successfully with Unit Questions and Maps - Jim Knight
Mapping the Critical Content - ppt
Analyzing Difficulties ppt
Emerging Strategies in Level I Content Enhancement
Reach Enhancement Decisions: Embedded and Emerging Strategies in the Content Literacy Continuum- Janis Bulgren, Ph.D., Keith Lenz, P.D.
Reach Enhancement Decisions ppt
Romeo and Juliet Unit Organizer
Integrating Content Enhancement Circle Graph
The Value Added Power of CERs- Jan Bulgren
Cue, Do, Review Grows Up! - Bulgren and Lenz
Intensive-Explicit Instruction, Teaching practices that ensure students master content
Teach Strategically pdf
Re-Evaluate Critical Quesitons
Deep, Wide, Conspicuous ppt
The Rest of the Story - Keith Lenz ppt
IES Report, Improving Adolescent Literacy
Effects of Curriculum Maps and Guiding Questions on the Test Performance of Adolescents with Learning Disabilities - Lenz, Adams, Bulgren, Pouliot, Laraux
Organizer Routine and SMARTER planning guiding integration of CE needed to enhance student learning - Content Enhancement Devices as Essay Writing Supports (01:18:20)
2014 SIM Conference
Jan Bulgren -
Help students generalize what they have learned about thinking and reasoning when using Content Enhancement graphic devices to write essays. No longer are evidence-based teaching routines and graphic devices isolated to one function. In addition to helping students learn critical content information, Content Enhancement graphic organizers have been shown to help students respond to another challenge: writing good essays. Furthermore, minimal instruction was needed to produce significant results on knowledge of content and scores on 6-trait writing analyses. A critical goal in teaching today is that students see connections and can generalize what they learn in one setting to another. In addition, teachers in areas such as science, social studies, and mathematics, as well as English Language Arts, are asked to be teachers of reading and writing as well as of their subject area material. One way to respond to these interlocking, interacting, and integrated challenges is to extend the use of Content Enhancement graphic organizers. Graphic organizers can be used to support writing essays as shown by research using the Question Exploration Guide. This session will present the research indicating how short instruction on the QEG supports essay writing, as published in Reading and Writing Quarterly (2009). Then, the group will collaborate to explore transferring and generalizing these findings to other Content Enhancement graphic organizers in this programmatic line of research. Some graphics include the Concept Diagram, and the Comparison Table, the Cause and Effect Guide, as well as the upcoming Scientific Argumentation and Evaluation Guide.
Concept Diagram Democracy
Presentation Notes - Content Enhancement Professional Learning Activities - Maitner and Swoch
2023 Florida SIM Update Conference -
Engagement Video
Formative Assessment Video
In these sessions, we will share strategies to engage your participants during Content Enhancement Routine professional learning. What are some ways to keep your participants active in both face-to-face and virtual learning environments?
Notes Page for Formative Assessment
We Engage Activities - https://weand.me/engage-cards-resources/
We Connect Activities - https://weand.me/we-connect-cards-resources/
Frame Nearpod Teacher Link - https://app.nearpod.com/?pin=E3A5B5A2990E73C907C77F4A34C174CD-1&oc=user-created&utm_source=link
Future Me - https://www.futureme.org/
- Content Enhancement Guidebooks - Bev Colombo & Suzanne Robinson (2010 SIM Conference)
This session focuses on CE Supplements for Math, English//Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Electives.
- Content Enhancement Supplements (02:04:24)
Bev Colombo, Leslie Herod -
Looking for ways to enhance Content Enhancement? This session will focus on CE Supplements for elective classes (PE, health, fine arts, industrial arts, family/consumer science, and foreign language) as well as the supplements for math, English/Language arts, social studies, and science. These supplements include research about text structure, knowledge structure and discourses as well as high quality integrated CER examples, assessments, and other resources. SIM PD-ers and content teachers developed the supplements for use in professional development and coaching.
- Content Enhancement: What is “Good Implementation”? (Video) Jan Bulgren, Keith Lenz, Bev Colombo
2007 SIM Conference -
Part 1 (00:40:18) Part 2 (00:19:22)
If I hear one more time, “They are doing a great job of implementing Content Enhancement!” or “Wow, that teacher is one of our best Content Enhancement implementers,” I am going to shout, “And where are the data to prove it!” This session will examine the dimensions of high-quality Content Enhancement implementation at the course, teacher, department, and school levels. We will discuss the need for including the use of diff erent integrated devices as part of determining “good” implementation in addition to using frequency and quality as indicators.Issues related to the measures that we use to gauge Content Enhancement usage will be shared and discussed, including gaining SIM Professional Developer agreement and using various checklists in administrative walk-throughs and interviews as well as common assessments and alternative assessment approaches.
- Content Literacy Continuum (CLC): What do I need to Know? (02:27:19)
2006 SIM Conference -
These sessions are designed to help SIM Professional Developers improve their CLC knowledge through participation in one of the three goal-specific learning groups:
♦ What is it All About: Patty Graner, Keith Lenz (00:57:10)
Watch this beginner's CLC session if this statement best reflects your knowledge and involvement with CLC:"I have heard about CLC and I have even been to an overview, but I am not comfortable articulating specific information about what CLC is". This learning group will focus on understanding the goals of the CLC, how to make a brief CLC presentation, how to access and use basic documents needed to promote an understanding of the CLC.♦ Getting Started: Bev Colombo and Carolyn Slater (00:59:18)
Watch this intermediate CLC session if the following statement best reflects your knowledge and involvement with CLC: "I believe I understand the CLC levels of instruction, and I need to learn how I can work with a school to begin the CLC adoption process". This learning group will focus on understanding the Exploring and Planning phases of CLC adoption, how to make a full CLC presentation, how to access and use the resources and tools related to CLC, how to launch a CLC adoption process, and the process of becoming a CLC team member and lead.
♦ Making it Work: Barb Ehren and Rosemary Tralli (00:59:25)
Watch this advanced CLC session if the following statement best reflects your knowledge and involvement with CLC: "I am involved in CLC adoption work and want to learn how I can address the opportunities and challenges of school-wide adoption of CLC" This learning group will focus on collaboratively exploring and surfacing the perils of systems change, the principles of embedded professional development, and how to access and use systems change resources and tools. - Co-Teaching to Support Students with Learning and Behavioral Needs - Brasseur Hock & Zimmerman -
2019 SIMposium
Watch VideoThe session will have participants explore ways to maximize co-teaching arrangements with other professionals to support students with learning and/or behavioral needs. Attendees are encouraged (though not required) to bring a colleague and will leave the session with templates to immediately support planning and delivery of co-teaching strategies.
- Course & Unit Organizer Research (1995 Conference)- Keith Lenz (1:31:48)
- Course Builder in GISTV2 (01:11:43)
2013 SIM Conference
Keith Ben-Hanania Lenz -
This session will cover the new release of GISTv2 with Course Builder. The Course Builder provides teachers an easy way to design a high quality Course Organizer Template and a whole Content Enhancement Course structure in minutes. Presenters will work through the different sections and options of the Course Builder and ultimately build a Content Enhancement Course (.cec file) Participants will learn how to access Course Organizer Routine explanations, examples and guidelines in the imbedded Course Guide. The session will cover how to work with a CE Course in the Course Tab section In the Course Tab, users will learn how to easily add new and existing files to their Course including Unit Organizers, Lesson Organizers, Question Exploration Templates, Concept Devices and all other devices and file types. Also covered in the Course Tab, how to access, organize, rearrange, rename, package, upload and share a CE course.
Course First! An Exciting New Approach to Content Enhancement Content Enhancement - Janice Creneti, Keith Lenz, Cindy Medici
Wish you could get teachers to implement Content Enhancement intentionally and routinely? Come learn about a new differentiated approach to Content Enhancement PD that has been piloted by Dr. Keith Lenz and the Florida SPDG SIM Project. This approach is designed to promote use of Content Enhancement Routines as a foundational practice, deepening implementation throughout a whole course. This is achieved by starting teachers with the Course Organizer and SMARTER planning then leveraging individual teacher choice on PD for additional routines resulting in increased diversity and frequency of routines employed. Also incorporated is the shift to use of Cue-Do-Review across all learning activities. Hear feedback from those involved, the positive changes made in classroom practice as well as the resulting student outcomes. Critical elements for success of this approach and its potential for sustaining implementation will also be discussed. VIDEO
Course First! and a SMARTER Approach to Coaching - Keith Lenz
Do you see SIM interventions being implemented as silos of effective practice? Are best practices coherently integrated and implemented? Is SIM implementation part of school, department,and course level goal setting, implementation, evaluation, and revision? Let’s investigate how we can use the SMARTER Instructional Cycle and related approach to leading, coaching, and implementing SIM enhanced courses. VIDEO
Course Organizer classroom Cue Do Review, Mrs. Robinson VIDEO (00:07:08)
Course Organizer Teachers Map Critical Content, Gail Cheever: VIDEO (00:03:05)
Course Organizer Teachers Map Critical Content, Identify and Sort Concepts, Gail Cheever:VIDEO (00:03:22)
Course Organizer: Teachers Shape Critical Questions, Develop Questions, Gail Cheever: VIDEO (00:05:37)
Course Organizer: Mrs. Robinson class footage: VIDEO
This all-day workshop describes high-leverage activities educational leaders can employ to design professional learning that has an unmistakable impact on teaching. The content of the session draws from ideas described in Jim Knight’sUnmistakable Impactand is based on more than 18 years of research on professional learning conducted at the Kansas Coaching Project at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. This session will describe how schools and districts can focus their professional learning on easy-to-understand professional learning targets; how workshops, professional learning communities, and other forms of professional learning can support implementation of school improvement targets; and what principals, coaches, and central office staff need to do to accelerate professional learning.
The session will address the following questions:
-What are the complexities of helping relationships?
-What is the Partnership approach and why is it an essential foundation for professional learning?
-Why is an instructional target important?
-What are the step-by-step procedures leaders can follow to create school improvement targets?
-How can leaders best get school-wide commitment to implementing the target?
-How can principals best lead and support implementation of the school improvement target?
-How should workshops, intensive learning teams and other forms of professional learning be designed to ensure impact on student learning and teacher practice?
-How can instructional coaches be best used to support professional learning?
-How should central office and school leaders work together successfully to support professional learning that makes an impact?Part 5 ()
- Creating an Instructional Playbook for SIM - Jim Knight
2019 SIMposium
Watch Video
The SIM learning strategies, routines, and other high-impact strategies are designed to improve student achievement and well-being. But if professional developers and coaches want to effectively support teachers so that SIM is implemented effectively, they need to have a deep understanding of the practices they share with teachers. For this reason, we recommend professional developers create instructional playbooks that include one-page summaries and checklists for the practices they share. In this session, participants will learn about the elements of instructional playbooks and then create many of the parts of their own playbook. The act of creating an instructional playbook enables professional developers to have the knowledge they need to be effective; this workshop ensures that coaches know how to create such a playbook. - Creating Strategic Schools: Case Studies of 2 Small Schools -Deshler, Schumaker (00 :55:48)
2002 SIM Conference
Don Deshler, Director, and Jean Schumaker, Associate Director, Center for Research on Learning -
Over the past five years, the presenters have worked with the staffs of two small private schools to create strategic schools. This presentation will cover the process by which SIM was integrated into the schools, some of the problems that were encountered, the solutions that were tried, and the results that were achieved.
- CRL’s Role in Promoting Adolescent Literacy - Lenz, Ehren, Deshler (00:59:55)
- Cue Do Review...Its not Just for Devices - Janice Creneti, Cindi Medici (00:46:22)
Cue-Do-Review is a powerful instructional sequence that benefits all learners. Join us in exploring how Cue-Do-Review can be used across learning activities! We will also share ideas for use in professional development designed to increase teacher skill and motivation in correctly and consistently employing Cue-Do-Review.
- Cue Do Review: Short overview videos
Cue: Don Deshler, Keith Lenz, Sue Woodruff (00:01:22)
Cue: Mrs Robinson (00:07:08)
Do: Don Deshler, Keith Lenz (00:01:55)
Review: Don Deshler (00:01:11)
Cue: Unit Organizer, Ms. Atkins (00:00:49)
Review: Atkins, Unit Organizer - Customize your Professional Learning with Micro-Credentialing - Jocelyn Washburn
2019 SIMposium
Watch VideoMicro-credentialing is a relatively new term and way of doing business in the field of education. This process allows educators the opportunity to identify, prioritize, and customize their professional learning needs. How can we promote and support micro-credentialing as SIM Professional Developers in order to share the instructional power of SIM Learning Strategies and Content Enhancement Routines? During this session, we will discuss the benefits of micro-credentialing and how we can help teachers broaden their skills and knowledge of SIM through the micro-credentialing process.
Customize your Professional Learning with Micro-Credentialin
Content Enhancement Micro-Credential Checklist
What Coaching Looks Like for SIM Micro-credentials
Learning Strategy Specialist Micro-credential Checklist
SIM Micro-credentials: Putting SIM Expertise on Display (Stratenotes V23, Issue 8