Publication Info: University of Kansas, 2021
Teaching Cross-Curricular Argumentation Resources:
Embed code to use this powtoon in your materials:
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.powtoon.com/embed/cD9wPk8x2YT/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- Link to the powtwoon as a mp4 Video
- 2021 SImposium Session - Bulgren ppt
- 2021 SIMposium Deep Dive Session Video
Links to materials:
https://app.nearpod.com/?pin=4WNGM&_branch_match_id=944281356650931743 - Presentation from 2021 SIMposium
- Presentation: 2022 Florida Update Passcode: #$wbpmb90!
- Teaching Cross-Curricular Argumentation presentation (ppt)
- Teaching Cross-Curricular Argumentation blank device (ppt)
- Cross-Curricular Argumentation - Schnieders (Google share, you have to log in to google to access)
- Cross-Curricular Argumentation - Minarik (Google share, you have to log in to google to access)
- Guide Google Slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SajhdWXyixwG1PIKMGpId8aMVvjEnc3_Ov-uYvmjDEg/copy?usp=sharing
- PD Slide sets created by Jan Bulgren:
B#1 Introduction to the Cross Curricular Argumentation Routine (CCAR)
B#2 Allignment of CCAR with Standards Across Content Areas
B#3 Expanding Learning with the Cross Curricular Argumentation Routine (CCAR)
- Argumentation Unit Organizer Page 1, Page 2 (Florida SPDG asset)
- Example CCARs
- Access Content Enhancement Routine Checklists
- Description of Teaching Cross-Curricular Argumentation from the SIM website
- Stratenotes Volume 29 No. 3, January/February 2021
Assets from FLORIDA SPDG Livebinders:
Teacher can access Florida Live Binder assets. Share this link and password:
https://www.livebinders.com/play/play_shared_binder/2763508?play_view=play Password CE TCCA
- Cue Do Review
The overall instructional process that guides use of the CE device with the Routine’s Linking Steps. This instructional process involves:
Cue: teacher announces the CE routine and explains its use, how it will help students and expectations for student participation
Do: teacher and class collaboratively construct the device using the Linking Steps that “connect” the content to the needs and goals of students
Review: Information presented in the device is reviewed and confirmed, use of the device is reviewed and confirmed, use of the device as a learning and study tool is modeled
- The Routine
Teaching presentation (pdf)
- Device Templates
- Device Checklist
- Examples
Guide A
Order of Operations Math
Rotation of Shape Math
Guide B
- Sample Articles
New research article: Bulgren, J., Minarik, D., & Washburn, J. (2024). Higher order thinking and reasoning through primary source document analysis. In S. Waring (Ed.), Teaching with primary sources for cultural understanding, civic mindedness, and democracy (pp. 47-63). Teachers College Press