Publication Info: Edge Enterprises, 1994
Concept Anchoring Resources:
- 2005 SIM Conference Video: CD's: Concept Anchoring, Concept Comparison, Question Exploration, BUILD, LEARN, Taking Notes Together, Strategic Tutoring
- 2006 SIM Conference Video: CDs for Strategic Tutoring, The Concept Routines and Question Exploration VIDEO, Concept Anchoring Handout
- Teaching with the Concept Anchoring Routine - 2002 Video (00:20:59)
- Access Florida SPDG LiveBinder Assets (Key: CE CA)
- Access Content Enhancement Routine Checklists
- Self-Guided Professional Development with the CA Multi Media Program, Guidebook and Coaching
- Description of the Concept Anchoring Routine from the SIM website
- Anchoring Table: Endangered Species
- StratenotesV1No6.pdf March 1993 Preview of upcoming Anchoring Routine
- Stratenotes V7 No. 7, April 1999: Comparing the Concept Routines
- Strategram Vol. 20, No. 4, Concept Anchoring e-Learning Program
Assets from FLORIDA SPDG Livebinders:
Teacher can access Florida Live Binder assets. Share this link and password:
https://www.livebinders.com/play/play_shared_binder/801365?play_view=play. Password CE CA
- Cue Do Review
The overall instructional process that guides use of the CE device with the Routine’s Linking Steps. This instructional process involves:
Cue: teacher announces the CE routine and explains its use, how it will help students and expectations for student participation
Do: teacher and class collaboratively construct the device using the Linking Steps that “connect” the content to the needs and goals of students
Review: Information presented in the device is reviewed and confirmed, use of the device is reviewed and confirmed, use of the device as a learning and study tool is modeled
- The Routine
- Device Templates
- Device Checklist
- Examples
- Implementation Checklist
- Concept Anchoring Routine Research slide
- Bulgren, J.A., Deshler, D.D., Schumaker, J.B., & Lenz, B.K. (2000). The use and effectiveness of analogical instruction in diverse secondary content classrooms. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(3), 426-441. This article reports the results of three studies on using analogies to teach important and difficult information. These results indicate that use of the Concept Anchoring Table and the Concept Anchoring Routine can enhance student performance with regard to understanding and remembering secondary subject-matter content.
- Deshler, D.D., Schumaker, J.B., Bulgren, J.A., Lenz, B.K., Jantzen, J.E., Adams, G., Carnine, D., Grossen, B., Davis, B., & Marquis, J. (2001). Making learning easier: Connecting new knowledge to things students already know. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33(4), 82-85. This article describes the Concept Anchoring Routine and its use to help adolescents with disabilities grapple with complex concepts
Schumaker, J. B., & Fisher, J. B. (in press). 35 years on the road from research to practice: A review of studies on four Content Enhancement Routines for inclusive subject-area classes, Part I. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice. Advance online publication. 1 -16. https://doi.org/10.1111/ldrp.12258
Schumaker, J. B., Walsh, L. D., Fisher, J. B., & Graner, P. S. (in press). The effects of computerized versus collaborative professional development on teachers’ and students’ performance related to the Concept Anchoring Routine. Journal of Learning Disabilities. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/002221940988001